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Is it me being a bit hypersensitive, or is this gross?

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I don't know that it was gross per se, but it was certainly unhygienic and b****y rude of her.


I cant see why you shouldn't be somewhat annoyed about that.


Exactly...I did fancy a slice of one of the cakes, but after that, I immediately went off the idea.

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Like many situations in life it is often how they are brought (dragged) up.


I go to the supermarket (everylittlehelps) in Rotherham for them bloomer loafs. I’ve been advised that if there are none sliced up and no staff on the bakery section, just ask a member of staff . So a member of staff stops packing the shelf or whatever they have been handling. They come over, and start handling the bread without washing their hands. I said to one guy last week, I’ll wait while you’ve washed your hands”. He said , “I washed them not so long ago”. I pointed to the large pair of filthy gloves he had just removed and expressed my concern, but these people don’t like to be told about what is common sense.


Back in the summer I saw one member of staff (same supermarket) stacking bakery products on the bottom shelf. She dropped a load on to the floor where many pairs of shoes walk over numerous time each day. She just picked them up and stacked them with the others as if nothing had happened.


A guy who used to work in a bakery saw me eating one of them small apply pies one day. He said, “if you knew what went on in bakeries you would never eat that sort of thing again”.


I suppose it is only what we see or hear about that concerns us Pete. If we knew what really went on we would eat nothing. :o

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Get it down you it wont hurt you, keeps your immune system up to scratch. Being 100% hygienic is not good for you and you never know what has happened to the food you buy in the process of it making it's way to the shelf.


I once saw a staff member floor some bread cakes while opening a big bag of them at a well known burger chain and they didn't go in the bin ;)

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