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Do away with cycle lanes and speed bumps

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If your struggling to work that out,maybe another thread might be better for you.


I was struggling to understand why you had an issue with this post, and what you reply meant:


Surely the only thing the cyclist is doing is stopping you from joining the queue at the next junction or traffic light a little earlier?


In your tiny scenario but in the real world most roads don't have cycle lanes.
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Horses should be allowed on the roads without ill thought out rants from cyclists? :hihi:


I drove past the "Leeds-Bradford cycle ‘superhighway’ today. I was surprised that there is a path, then a curb to the cycle ‘superhighway’ and then a curb to the road.

Surely a better way of providing a safe place to cycle would be for a widened footpath, not a separate one.

We have pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, scooters and old folk in their scooters; all wanting to be away for the speeding cars. So why have separate lanes with a curb which would disadvantage horses and disability scooters; I guess they will just need to go on the path.


One wide footpath, with painted symbols telling different users where to ride, would be the best solution?



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As the heading says.I could also add some traffic lights.

Cyclists don't stay in the lanes because they would be in the gutter,and they have to come out of the lanes anyway to follow their routes to wherever they are going.

Both these and the speed bumps are poorly maintained and cause more trouble than any benefit.

Stop constricting roads and allow motor traffic to use the roads as originally intended.


Id personally like to see cyclists BANNED from the roads completly.

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Id personally like to see cyclists BANNED from the roads completly.


Oh goody I get the perfect excuse to leave the bike behind and drive my big fat Subaru 4x4 to work everyday sat in its heated seats watching 2.5 litres of engine munch through petrol whilst holding up all the small cars. Then I get to nick all the best parking spaces at work as Ill be in first anyway.


I like your thinking.

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I'd be perfectly happy for painted cycle lanes to be removed from anywhere. As a cyclist I find them utterly pointless. They are invariably way too narrow and all they do is encourage car and especially bus drivers to drive too close.


Manchester has been chaos for the past two weeks while the council install cycle lanes around Piccadilly bus station. They've even used coloured tarmac instead of just paint. Problem is they haven't widened the roads so particularly where there are traffic islands there isn't even enough space for a bus to fit through without driving in the cycle lane.

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I understand where you're coming from but:


1) Speed bumps are usually installed for a reason - people recklessly speeding. How much longer do they add to your journey?


2) Do cycle lanes take up that much space on the road? If you got rid of the lane what would you do with that space?


Instead of seeing it as a restriction of space, look at the positives - one person commuting to work on a bike means one less car on the road.


alch, can I ask about your point 1.


1) Why is there no consistency across the city with them?





edit: sorry to pick your post out. I just noticed this bit. I should start another thread about that.

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My OP was never concerned with any delays caused by either speed bumps or cycle lanes.

Only that we spend money installing them,struggle to maintain them and then they are not effective.

Competent cyclists and competent motorists have no need of a narrow cycle path that also includes drainage gulleys and grates.

Cycle routes are rarely continuous and disappear for stretches of narrow roads and junctions.

Pleasure cyclists go off into the countryside and happily ride,frequently 2 abreast without the "benefit" of dedicated cycle lanes.

I am not a cyclist now but I did used to cycle to work quite confidently amongst traffic.

The cycle lanes are some planners dream but they just don't work for anybody.

As for speed bumps I concede that they are effective in some circumstances,but counterproductive in others.

I just don't see the point in constructing roads for traffic to use and then making them into some kind of obstacle course in the name of traffic calming.

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