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I'm not racist... but...

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Originally posted by Pauly

Hmm....I get the same thing from my dad. Not racist, just can't stand the b***k b*****ds. I'm sure he thinks it's funny but it's not for me. I know he'd never have the balls to say anything to their faces but some of his terminology winds me right up.


Gay people = poofters etc

Asian/Indian people = pa**ies

Black people = w*gs or n*g-nogs.

Sheffield United/Birmingham City fans = pigs


Nothing I say will ever change the way he thinks and it really saddens me. It's not as if he's always on about it but if the subject comes up that's how he refers to them. :(


Sorry if I've offended anyone there and if so, mods please feel free to edit any of the above.



Predjudice has nothing to do with race, everyone gets slagged off by someone at sometime, black, white, yellow, brown, uglyl pretty.


If someone goes out of the room/company/etc, they are a target immediately, dislike, is in everyone right across the board, snide remarks/insults, you don't have to be black to suffer this.


Everyone suffers, and always will, it is part of human nature.

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Originally posted by t020

Oh please, spare me. What happened to freedom of speech? Now people can't even start sentences in a certain way because it might imply they have deep rooted racial tension (a crime seemingly worse than murder, paedophilia, rape etc). Can I just add that *I'm not racist, but.....* the more and more the PC brigade go on nitpicking like this, the more likely they are to drive people into holding racist views. FFS.


your competely right. all tis complaining and moaning about racism ends up just segregating everyone even mre. the way that anything you say that could possibly be enerpreted as racist or prejudice is used against you. people should get a life, racism isnt as bad a it once was, and he few that are racist are in a minority.

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ok sorry about that, i meant its not all one way anymore, it was usually always thought of as "white on black" but i think now, especialy in the area my dad lives in in london, its definately very anti white. what i meant to say was instead of just complaining at whie people for being racist,it should be taken into account that its just a bad the other way around.

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Its just ridiculus these days, you can't say anything without being called racist. In fact it's gone so far, that it actually makes people racist.


I agree with what you say, there is just as much racisim black on white as white on black. The problem I have now is there are so many PC things and equal opportunites around now to 'stop' racism that it is worst to be white. I'd say a single, young white male has it bad these days. Where's his protection? If you're from another race everyone will tip toe round you and give you special allowances, be careful what they say etc etc.


An example, maybe a silly one the MOBO awards, fine, nothing against that, but if there was a MOWO awards could you imagine the outcry?? Also the saying "I'm proud to be black" fine, nothing wrong with that, but if a white person stood there and said he/she was proud to be white, that would be wrong and racist.

Where is the logic in all that?

I'm not suprised people become racist to be honest. Our society is making it that way.

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agree with you there foxx im sick of ppl moanin about this person said this n this person said that so they r bein racist to me. load of crap. whateva colour u r u face racism jus as much as the other person. everyone the same ppl jus gota learn to deal with it. but it makes it hard with all this plitical correctness. example baba black sheep is now banned in alot of schools. if it is racist is it not jus as racist to sing baba white sheep!! x

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Originally posted by Foxxx

Its just ridiculus these days, you can't say anything without being called racist. In fact it's gone so far, that it actually makes people racist.


I agree with what you say, there is just as much racisim black on white as white on black. The problem I have now is there are so many PC things and equal opportunites around now to 'stop' racism that it is worst to be white. I'd say a single, young white male has it bad these days. Where's his protection? If you're from another race everyone will tip toe round you and give you special allowances, be careful what they say etc etc.


An example, maybe a silly one the MOBO awards, fine, nothing against that, but if there was a MOWO awards could you imagine the outcry?? Also the saying "I'm proud to be black" fine, nothing wrong with that, but if a white person stood there and said he/she was proud to be white, that would be wrong and racist.

Where is the logic in all that?

I'm not suprised people become racist to be honest. Our society is making it that way.


I agree with you 100%, I couldn't have put it better myself! Glad we're on the same wavelength :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by GazB

I agree with you 100%, I couldn't have put it better myself! Glad we're on the same wavelength :thumbsup:


Cheers :)


I was waiting for some backlash! Glad to know it's not just me who thinks this way.

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