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Would you wear pyjamas to drop kids off at school?

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Not generalising at all are you ?:rolleyes:

Judging someones ability to bring their children up well by what they are wearing is very shallow.


No it isn't. If a parent is so unbothered about their child's school that they don't even wash and dress when they are attending, what impression do you think this makes?

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Not generalising at all are you ?:rolleyes:

Judging someones ability to bring their children up well by what they are wearing is very shallow.


It's usually pretty accurate though. Imagine the personal hygiene routine of somebody who wears bed clothes out of the house, or worse, the state of their rank dog muck infected bed!. :gag:

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I learned a valuable lesson, while dropping my friend at work one morning on Attercliffe Common someone drove head on into my car.

Getting untangled from the air bag in Wonder Woman jimjams to exchange details didn't really help the situation any.


I get dressed now, even if I'm just off nights!

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I learned a valuable lesson, while dropping my friend at work one morning on Attercliffe Common someone drove head on into my car.

Getting untangled from the air bag in Wonder Woman jimjams to exchange details didn't really help the situation any.


I get dressed now, even if I'm just off nights!


Exactly the reason for wearing clean underwear whenever we went out which was drummed into us by our parents. However, I'm not sure how clean they'd be after a head on collision.

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