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Holocaust film too shocking to show.


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'Night Will Fall'


I watched this documentary on Channel 5 catchup and it truly is far more shocking than any other footage shown before.

It describes the liberation of Belsen concentration camp in 1945.

Be warned - the scenes are graphic and harrowing.

'Unless the world learns the lessons these pictures teach, night will fall. But, by God's grace, we who live will learn'.

Edited by Daven
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'Night Will Fall'


I watched this documentary on Channel 5 catchup and it truly is far more shocking than any other footage shown before.

It describes the liberation of Belsen concentration camp in 1945.

Be warned - the scenes are graphic and harrowing.

'Unless the world learns the lessons these pictures teach, night will fall. But, by God's grace, we who live will learn'.


I've just made a mental note never to watch that. Thanks for the warning.

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Let's not forget the other 'holocausts'. Although estimates vary, Stalin probably murdered /starved more people. At the top of the leaderboard (by quite some margin) we have Mao Zedong's leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. According to recent research, the cheerfully entitled 'Great Leap Forward' resulted in the deaths of around 45 million people during the transformation to socialist society. When was the last time you saw a documentary on that ? Of course, there have been many other large scale tragedies for those who care to look.


It would be very easy to be cynical when we hear the words 'Night Will Fall'. It's just a hollow statement - it doesn't mean anything and will not change anything. Humans kill each other - they always have, and they always will.

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Let's not forget the other 'holocausts'. Although estimates vary, Stalin probably murdered /starved more people. At the top of the leaderboard (by quite some margin) we have Mao Zedong's leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. According to recent research, the cheerfully entitled 'Great Leap Forward' resulted in the deaths of around 45 million people during the transformation to socialist society. When was the last time you saw a documentary on that ? Of course, there have been many other large scale tragedies for those who care to look.


It would be very easy to be cynical when we hear the words 'Night Will Fall'. It's just a hollow statement - it doesn't mean anything and will not change anything. Humans kill each other - they always have, and they always will.


Nobody has suggested that we should forget all of the other atrocities committed by countries around the world, so I'm not sure what point that you're trying to make.

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I saw the documentary last year on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and sobbed most of the way through it. That said, for people who live in such a cushy world as we do, I feel that sometimes it is important for us to at least have an inkling of what other people have had to go through to defend our way of life.

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The difference with The Holocaust was that Hitler wanted to rid the world of the Jews, ethnic cleansing on a grand scale with efficiency.Not only Jews but other 'undesirables'

It did'nt matter what their political affiliation were.

Also, he did it in a way that the world had never seen before. Mechanisation.

It was so efficient victims even paid their own fare to the camps, their belongings being seized. Art, property and other assets all went into the Nazi coffers,making their political ideology somewhat precarious

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I can still make a point even if nobody has suggested anything.


The thread is about a documentary about a particular time in history and events that took place therin. You are trying to trivialise those events, by saying that worse things have happened, therefore you are not staying on topic, so no, you should not be soapboxing your own agendas on this particular thread.If you have no comments on the actual story, start your own thread about man's inhumanity to man

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