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Holocaust film too shocking to show.


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My cousin believes her late father was sent to Belsen Concentration Camp. He was in the The Durham Light Infantry during the second world war. They found an old note book after he died that was used as a diary. In his diary he would describe the villages they were going through in the north of Germany and how nice some of them looked.


One of the last things he wrote was that they were told to go to a village, the name Belson was not used and that they had to take powdered milk with them and various other supplies. He also wrote that is was a hush hush job and they had been ordered not to talk about it. In his diary he said it was something that would live with him for the rest of his life after they entered this village. After that he stopped writing in his diary and he never talked about it.


My cousin said that in later years he would never set foot in Germany again even if he was given a free holiday. So we can only guess that he was taking supplies to Belsen.

Edited by hauxwell
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start your own thread about man's inhumanity to man


Ok, you can step down from your soapbox.


Belsen is an example of man's inhumanity to man... I'm not trivialising anything - on the contrary I am pointing out that rather than being an isolated event, the holocaust is part of a much larger picture of human behaviour.


Without understanding, history will repeat itself.


As Sir Nicholas Winton would often say "we never learn anything from history.”

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most people who read history as an amateur, as I do, know about the after effects of Mao Zedong and Stalin. Both were evil dictators. The Nazis were different in that they purposely and willfully decided to exterminate a whole religious group by cold blooded mass murder. Zedong and Stalin had other ambitions such as re-education and a different political direction, and millions died as a result..


The irony was that the Nazi leaders/Hitler determined this fate for the Jews because they alleged they "Led the groups(mostly communists) who stabbed Germany in the back in 1918." Nothing could be further from the truth. Germany collapsed because their armies were exhausted, & they were bankrupt & starving because of the Royal Navy blockade in the North Sea and the Atlantic.


Kaiser Wilhelm and the allied nations were responsible for the Germany's demise, not the Jews. The holocaust was a monumental mistake in more ways than one.


I have the book "Night will fall" but the real graphics would be in the documentary. The misdeeds of Hitler and his regime still need to be kept in history books so both todays and future generations are made aware of their wicked behaviour and why.

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The Nazis were different in that they purposely and willfully decided to exterminate a whole religious group by cold blooded mass murder.


Murder is murder, regardless of whether the victims are a religious group or a group of farmers.


The Nazis wanted to exterminate 'undesirable ethnic groups'. Around a third of the holocaust victims were Jews - some of the rest were Poles, Serbs, Russians, Romany, the disabled and people of 'mixed colour'.

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Murder is murder, regardless of whether the victims are a religious group or a group of farmers.


The Nazis wanted to exterminate 'undesirable ethnic groups'. Around a third of the holocaust victims were Jews - some of the rest were Poles, Serbs, Russians, Romany, the disabled and people of 'mixed colour'.


Also homosexuals, gypsies and anyone with Jewish 'traits'.


---------- Post added 28-01-2016 at 19:20 ----------


I tried looking for this on catch up but can't find it , has anybody else had this problem?



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,,,,and from the holocaust the words NEVER AGAIN were used! Unfortunately it has happened time and time again. This film like the OP says is graphic and very upsetting. However, I feel that people should try and watch this because only then do we know what kind of things happened, but whilst we sob and can turn it off if we don't like it - these people ENDURED because there was no choice and even when we see we will never ever imagine a fraction of the 'evil' they lived, breathed ate and slept. I watch and read about these histories because I feel I owe it to them to witness so we can go on in our lives trying to live in peace. Their lives were not in vain.


"There may be times when we feel powerless to prevent injustice; - but there must never be a time when we fail to protect" Elie Wiesel

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I watched this last year when it was first shown.

I think we all knew some of the things that happened but to see it on film so graphic was really harrowing.

There's a lot of evil people in this world, past present and future :(

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Ok, you can step down from your soapbox.


Belsen is an example of man's inhumanity to man... I'm not trivialising anything - on the contrary I am pointing out that rather than being an isolated event, the holocaust is part of a much larger picture of human behaviour.


Without understanding, history will repeat itself.


As Sir Nicholas Winton would often say "we never learn anything from history.”


I am not the soap-box guy, you are, besides, I don't like heights;)

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