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Horse manure in the countryside. Alert!

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The law of the land states that you cannot deposit waste on someone else's property so SCC enforce the law and people complain.


What on earth are we coming to as a society where a law is enforced and people complain?:loopy::loopy:


That would be fair enough if the OP was dumping rubbish on scc land, hiwever they are putting a useful resource out that others want and remove. Surely its better that people make use of it than buy it from B&Q? A bit of common sense from the council over this sort of thing would go a long way.

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The law of the land states that you cannot deposit waste on someone else's property so SCC enforce the law and people complain.


What on earth are we coming to as a society where a law is enforced and people complain?:loopy::loopy:


The council were happy to turn a blind eye to the law when they were dumping waste in Graves park . Talk about Hypocrites .

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Would it still be a problem if it was covered up? I got a compost bin from SCC, I think it was free (but it was years ago so I doubt they still do it). I think they do discounted ones now, but of course that's a cost to you just for being nice and community spirited :(


Out of interest, how much manure do two horses produce? When you said you left a pile out for people to take, I imagined you had a large herd!


It's not a matter of whether it's covered or not, it the dumping of 'waste' that they object to.


My 2 fairly small horses produce about one and a half wheelbarrows full a day (you trying eating circa 25 to 35 lbs of fibre a day and see what that does for your output!) so the amount I've been putting out is a fraction of what they produce. I have 2 large heaps near the shelter and several small ones around the field, and periodically as I say people will arrange to come and collect a load, so it's only a small percentage of what I have, but getting rid of a bit this way has helped me a little, and seeing as it all disappears, it has helped other people as well. I've even had people knocking on my door to ask if it's ok to take it.


I think SCC's stance on this is ridiculous

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The law of the land states that you cannot deposit waste on someone else's property so SCC enforce the law and people complain.


What on earth are we coming to as a society where a law is enforced and people complain?:loopy::loopy:


There is the law of the land and common sense. In this case the law is an ass.

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You really think the council are going to enforce this? They're so disorganised that I doubt they will get it together to do anything if you just continue as before after a short break.


Sadly its just the sort of thing the petty bureaucrats do enforce. Law abiding people doing the community a favour are an easy static target, the actual fly tipping scrotes that blight the place would take effort to catch.


I know it was not the council in that case but immigration but puts me in mind of the west indian lady who used to sing christian songs in town. Been here ages, worked and paid taxes all the time and got deported cos of some paperwork error when she arrived decades ago cos she was an easy target. Meanwhile we have rapists and terrorists not getting deported cos of their 'human rights'. Different situations but its the same 'low hanging fruit' easy win mentality. Boils my **** tbh.

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Makes me wonder if the person who's complained actually works for the Council? It'd only be fair, if they're going to be so pedantic over things they obviously don't understand, to enforce similar rules to the mounted police.

Smelly farms with public footpaths going through them should also be prosecuted. Signs should be erected (something the Council excel at) warning farmers, stables and the like, that they face a hefty fine unless all animal droppings are placed in a 5p plastic bag (available from the Council) and deposited at an environmentally approved biological waste site.


What's this country coming to? :(

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The law of the land states that you cannot deposit waste on someone else's property so SCC enforce the law and people complain.


What on earth are we coming to as a society where a law is enforced and people complain?:loopy::loopy:


In this case the law is an Ass!


---------- Post added 30-01-2016 at 14:52 ----------


There is the law of the land and common sense. In this case the law is an ass.


You beat me to it lol.

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In this case the law is an Ass!


---------- Post added 30-01-2016 at 14:52 ----------



You beat me to it lol.


No one is denying that the law is inappropriate for this situation but if a formal complaint is lodged then the relevant authority has to investigate otherwise they may receive sanctions from DCLG. This may be in the form of a fine which, given the horrendous cuts imposed by the very same DCLG, would not be very useful.

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