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Drug addict jailed for mugging grandmother

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Instead of cruising the poor girl, she is a victim aswell. We should be hunting the dealer down and lock him up for good. But this being UK the dealers normally gets 6 months suspended sentence


Shes no victim. She chose to start her habit. Why should we feel sorry for criminals?

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Unfortunately is is all too easy to get heroin in most of the UK and is the reason why there are many dealers about. Its not just as easy as locking up a dealer and hoping the supply dries up.


If we have death plenty I am sure it will be a lot harder, yes it's harsh but those drug dealers in effect is making those users to sell their body or rob people for the dealer

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How sad for the lady knocked down.

To add vitriole to an arrest and charge is horrible however. What are you hiding? My whole life near Herries Road of 6 years has involved gossip about my supposed drug habit and house breaking history. It's a disgrace and I am a silent individual now.


To push an old woman to the ground is horrible, it could have killed her, it might actually have shortened her life, she deserves every single bit of vitriol, it wont harm her.


How did the gossip about your supposed use of drugs and house breaking come about, was it started by someone who just didnt like you.

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If we have death plenty I am sure it will be a lot harder, yes it's harsh but those drug dealers in effect is making those users to sell their body or rob people for the dealer


The death penalty solves nothing that's why people still get put to death each year in the countries that support it.


There is an easier solution but the USA will not support it, and that is allowing it to be legally produced in Afghanistan and then buying the raw product from its source. That way we could keep people in work and food, use the product for pharmaceutical use instead of having to import it from Australia, and at the same time also stop about 80% of the illegal supply.

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Should have been five years at the very least, and be made to serve it all, every single day.


Send out the message, if you do the crime, you WILL serve the time.




Five year in prison will cost us tax payers £200k,

Why punish the victim when the real kingpin is the drug seller

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Drug seller is victim as well.

He is just poor uneducated s̶c̶r̶o̶a̶t̶ citizen who can't get enough benefits to support his lifestyle.

Too poorly educated to have a good job, t̶o̶o̶ ̶l̶a̶z̶y̶ suffering from work-shy-syndrome without sufficient NHS care to get any job at all.

Drug dealers are only victims that are led to a life of crime because of lack of other options caused by tory/labour/insert you pick here politics.


Now stop all that victim nonsense, you make personal choices in life, if they lead you to assaulting elderly you deserve whatever punishment you get.

There are more then enough ways to get clean, if they choose not to get'em in shackles and down to quarry.

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