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Ex Sheffield Resident


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Hi Beechnut, You must have been good at conkers with a name like yours. Did you check out the class photos on the thread you may recognise a few people.

Cheers Mal

Hi Malren - yes I remember being conker champion at one time! :) I recognise many of the faces in the photos and can put a few names to them. Malin Bridge was a very good school and apparently it still is.
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My goodness susie1 - you have an amazing memory! And there I am at the end of the back row. This must be in the infants school, perhaps in 1953. It could be Stuart Ronson next to Graham Wilkinson; I can't help with any of the other names. The head mistress at the left is Miss Evelyn Catherall, and the class teacher Miss Bolsover. The following year (1953-54) I was in Miss Birch's class and then with Miss Garrison in 2A. Here is my school report for 1953 (don't laugh :P).


Re: your school report, how you've changed hillsbro, you're the most sociable guy on here now, what happened!




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Hi Jim Hardie and DUFFEMS - well, all my school reports referred to me daydreaming and I'm just the same now as Mrs hillsbro will confirm. As for being sociable, well, I suppose that belatedly getting married did me good! I certainly enjoy the Forum and all the friends I've made. :)

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Hi Jim Hardie and DUFFEMS - well, all my school reports referred to me daydreaming and I'm just the same now as Mrs hillsbro will confirm. As for being sociable, well, I suppose that belatedly getting married did me good! I certainly enjoy the Forum and all the friends I've made. :)


Hillsbro, as they would say where I live in Norfolk, "Ah, bless you" (they seem to say it for everything).




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Hillsbro, as they would say where I live in Norfolk, "Ah, bless you"..
And in Devon they say "m' dear" which is nice!


I've just remembered something about Malin Bridge School. Pupils who lived at Stannington were "Stannington bus children" who left a few minutes early, so that they could walk down Boulder Hill in time to catch the bus home. In the infants school there were two child care assistants who wore green uniforms - I think they were Mrs Clayton (rather stern) and Mrs Shepherd.

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Hi Phil,

I don't recall that, wished i'd have known, may have been able to slip in the queue and go up Boulder. Later on I was about 14/15 i used to walk from Wisewood up Stannington rd to a cricket ground when I played for the Dial House Club. The Dial house Club was where I used to plant my Guy Fawkes when I was about 9/10. Remember saving up 75 p for fireworks, go for weeks procuring wood mainly from down near the River Loxley. Gooseberries on the side of the road always too sour for me, ah memories.

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