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Zika virus and the Olympics

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Yes, it was the DNA sequence itself that was patented.....



Ah, Chiron's HCV stuff. Of Chiron v Murex fame. The patents were about polypeptides, polynucleotides, antibodies, vaccines, an immunoassay kit for detecting HepC and a method of cultivating HepC cells in vitro.


That was pretty much trailblazing (in patent law and practice terms) at the time. Right on the edge of what could vs could not be patented.


Personally, I don't touch biotech work (I know what I don't know, so the "most" bio-related work I'd ever do is medical devices and -to an extent- bioinformatics ;)), I specialise in the other patenting dark art: software & business methods :D


(EDIT: ooops, that's it, definitely burnt my bridges with swarfendor with that one :blush::hihi:)

Edited by L00b
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Ah, Chiron's HCV stuff. Of Chiron v Murex fame. The patents were about polypeptides, polynucleotides, antibodies, vaccines, an immunoassay kit for detecting HepC and a method of cultivating HepC cells in vitro.


That was pretty much trailblazing (in patent law and practice terms) at the time. Right on the edge of what could vs could not be patented.


Personally, I don't touch biotech work (I know what I don't know, so the "most" bio-related work I'd ever do is medical devices and -to an extent- bioinformatics ;)), I specialise in the other patenting dark art: software & business methods :D


(EDIT: ooops, that's it, definitely burnt my bridges with swarfendor with that one :blush::hihi:)


:) :)


We were using Murex at the time and I seem to remember a letter arriving, suggesting that we should cease and desist until it was all sorted out!!!!!

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These are patent applications for tech with military application. E.g the kind of new tech stuff that finds its way into an F22, an F35 or a SLBM.


Every country on Earth with a patent system has similar provisions, including the UK. And have for decades and decades. Nothing remotely new, surprising or sinister about it.

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