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Dover anti migrant protests

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No fooling you, Pensitone.


How many people do you think are at Calais and how many people do you think Sweden and Germany have taken?


We all know Germany and Sweden have virtually committed suicide, along with France Holland and Belgium and others, I think he's trying to point out that not all of the million plus that arrive will be wanting to settle in Germany or Sweden.

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We all know Germany and Sweden have virtually committed suicide, along with France Holland and Belgium and others, I think he's trying to point out that not all of the million plus that arrive will be wanting to settle in Germany or Sweden.


Maybe he can speak for himself? You can go and indoctrinate yourself on some of those dodgy sites you love.

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Maybe he can speak for himself? You can go and indoctrinate yourself on some of those dodgy sites you love.


Indoctrinate - teach (a person or group) to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.

"broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating the masses"


Another good leftie buzz word.

I was answering/interpreting his answer off my own back just like you've probably done a thousand times without realising it. A lot of things might be censored on this forum but I'm pretty sure jumping in on your conversation on this post won't be.

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Why should any of us pay for these two groups of utter belters to indulge their hobby of rucking with each other? Charge the scum on both sides the full cost of the policing their pathetic regular get togethers.


The best way to cut police costs and violence at these protests whilst still allowing people the right to peaceful protest is for each of them to protest on different days. Violence only erupts because of the people opposing the protest.

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The best way to cut police costs and violence at these protests whilst still allowing people the right to peaceful protest is for each of them to protest on different days. Violence only erupts because of the people opposing the protest.

They are all just a bunch of trouble makers, which would mean the other group will still turn up when it's not their day, so the police would still be needed .


Make the groups organising these marches pay for the policing whether it be Trade Unions or a bunch of yobs and bring the army in, if a group attempts to march again, if they have not settled previous policing costs .

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The start of things to come or just some out of touch out of date morons throwing the rattle out?


A new-ish development in Sweden (not really new, just more overt this time as in the capital's main train station during social hours, so more newsworthy/harder to media-suppress), but ancient by East German standards (they torch asylum seeker refuges and beat up refugees every week over there, have done for months).

What are your thoughts about how things are going?
According to plan (whoever's...because there's got to be someone's method behind this madness).


At any rate, fully according to my forecast of this summer. And it will get worse, you ain't seen nothing yet :|


It will certainly get worse in Sweden, as the police are currently busy shackling off the establishment's politically-correct diktat that has prevailed over the past year and longer. Quite clearly, Swedish police top brass have decided that they aren't going to carry the liability can for migrant-related crime and social disorder any longer, and are laying it all straight at the feet of the government. Quite publicly too, which gives the cue. "Reserve duty? What reserve duty?" :twisted:


Same in Germany after the March general election, if Merkel gets trap-door'd at the ballot box (I'm not calling that one out just yet, she just might get back in).


As for Calais, the region's top level politics are now heavily influenced by the Front National at the Regional assembly after last December's elections (further to which the FN now has an elected blocking minority of 50-odd seats). There's already been some fairly spectacular fireworks in assembly, and last week's extraordinary session carried its name well, with the FN's semi-rethorical points ('semi' as they had a rational basis, after all) met by the majority centre right's singing the Marseillaise. I kid you not.


Won't be long until the police/CRS are given much more latitude (read: political cover) to 'solve' social disorder in muscly fashion and/or look the other way when others do the sorting. Locals are getting extremely fed up about the mafia that runs most of these camps and its excesses and the social disorder brought about afresh both by refugees and the anti-border activists, and the FN is unsurprisingly capitalising on that all it can.


I bet you ain't heard much, if anything, about the weekly gun battles between rival mafia gangs in Calais refugee camps, have you? All over the French 'serious' print media (Le Monde, la Tribune, Le Nouvel Obs) last week, before peeps accuse me of making stuff up. Here, MSM reports it (quietly and off-radar) as a one-off fuelled by 'religious tensions' :|


Between all of the above, Denmark's recent legislative decision (merely aligning migrants with the national regime, but painted by all and sundry as Nazism or somesuch), the pillar countries of the EU trap-dooring Schengen in the same way Merkel trap-doored the Dublin Regs (and after they all sided behind Merkel when she criticised and tried to blackmail Hungary after doing just that this past summer), all of the Balkan countries (still, but now off the media radar) erecting miles upon miles of razor wire along their borders with Greece, ever-increasing instances of unchecked vigilantism like the OP throughout the whole of the EU (Germany, Austria, Italy, France <more>, weekly now) and lately Greece finger-pointed by all of the EU and told to sort its s**t out about seaborne migrants pushing in inwards to the EU (the blame game has started in anger, before spring/summer 2016)...Europe as a whole is turning 'harder' right so fast that it's powersliding.


In all that, I nearly forgot France's "emergency state" condition (which basically gives the State free reign to arrest anyone on sight and to search their properties without warrant, besides other such fascistic niceties), reconducted last week and likely to be reconducted for however long Hollande remains President and Valls remains Prime Minister. Not being used much in respect of migrants and crims, but the juges d'instruction (QCs) have certainly been busy poking their noses into the opposition and anti-immigration movements ever since. They'll certainly try and stretch it to cover the period of presidential campaign in 2017. You just watch.


But heyyyy, France's socialists are centre-left/labour, OK? They can't be dissed for using righter-than-right methods :twisted:

Edited by L00b
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