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Questioning the moral intentions of a benevolent God

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If we were to question the moral intentions of a so called "benevolent God", a God responsible for committing countless unthinkable acts of endless cruelty on mankind as well as allowing mankind to commit unthinkable atrocities in his name, shouldn't we also consider the possibility of this God (which may or may not exist)actually being a malevolent God who insidiously made his very existence so easily questionable, so easily doubtable, so ridiculously repugnant and contradictory and considers anyone who unquestioningly believes to be the afflicted whose self-serving attempt to reap reward and be spared from having to suffer eternal tortures of hell is in fact sealing their own fate while those who rightfully doubt are respected for their sincerity becoming the meek and who shall inherent the earth?

Edited by danot
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