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Questioning the moral intentions of a benevolent God

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I completely agree with Stephen Fry's remark of what he would say to God at the gates of Heaven.


'Bone cancer in children? What's that about?' How dare you? How dare you create a world in which there is such misery that is not our fault? It's not right. It's utterly, utterly evil."


or the graffiti found on the walls of Mauthausen concentration camp, Germany.


Wenn es einen Gott gibt muß er mich um Verzeihung bitten. which translates to: “If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness.


"Man in sky still giving AIDS to babies"



Both of these type of arguments are as usual, emotional, not logical.


The things Fry talk about like bone cancer etc. it is actually humans who will be accountable for why have we implemented and spread a capitalist ideology which fosters good healthcare, education, welfare services for the chosen few and not the rest?


If I sat with Fry I would ask him why did the British Raj allow the biggest famine in Bengal to occur in 1770 in pursuit of profit which left 10 million people to die out of malnutrition. Was that God at fault?


Why did the British colonize large lands in Africa, loot and plunder their resources for their own benefit and leave the colonized in poor and desolate conditions . Another fault of God?


Or why did the UN Security Council impose sanctions on Iraq which led more than half a million children dead after the Persian Gulf War in 1990.


So seeing children born in desolute situations with poor healthcare, malnutrition and very little chance of having a healthy life (if any life) is not down to a Being atheists believe doesn't exist- but atheists want to blame anway- but the very nature of how we humans have made the world in the first place.

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Both of these type of arguments are as usual, emotional, not logical.


The things Fry talk about like bone cancer etc. it is actually humans who will be accountable for why have we implemented and spread a capitalist ideology which fosters good healthcare, education, welfare services for the chosen few and not the rest?


If I sat with Fry I would ask him why did the British Raj allow the biggest famine in Bengal to occur in 1770 in pursuit of profit which left 10 million people to die out of malnutrition. Was that God at fault?


Why did the British colonize large lands in Africa, loot and plunder their resources for their own benefit and leave the colonized in poor and desolate conditions . Another fault of God?


Or why did the UN Security Council impose sanctions on Iraq which led more than half a million children dead after the Persian Gulf War in 1990.


So seeing children born in desolute situations with poor healthcare, malnutrition and very little chance of having a healthy life (if any life) is not down to a Being atheists believe doesn't exist- but atheists want to blame anway- but the very nature of how we humans have made the world in the first place.


So god gives children AIDS and bone cancer but it's up to us to organise ourselves to successfully put them through extremely painful and unpleasant medical procedures, which have not been available for most of human history, to try and treat them.

What absolute nonsense.

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Both of these type of arguments are as usual, emotional, not logical.


The things Fry talk about like bone cancer etc. it is actually humans who will be accountable for why have we implemented and spread a capitalist ideology which fosters good healthcare, education, welfare services for the chosen few and not the rest?


If I sat with Fry I would ask him why did the British Raj allow the biggest famine in Bengal to occur in 1770 in pursuit of profit which left 10 million people to die out of malnutrition. Was that God at fault?


Why did the British colonize large lands in Africa, loot and plunder their resources for their own benefit and leave the colonized in poor and desolate conditions . Another fault of God?


Or why did the UN Security Council impose sanctions on Iraq which led more than half a million children dead after the Persian Gulf War in 1990.


So seeing children born in desolute situations with poor healthcare, malnutrition and very little chance of having a healthy life (if any life) is not down to a Being atheists believe doesn't exist- but atheists want to blame anway- but the very nature of how we humans have made the world in the first place.

What the **** are you talking about? Children get bone cancer because of a capitalist ideology? How does that work?


And why on Earth would you ask Stephen Fry why other people have done stuff that was nothing to do with him?

You have the gall to tell people what is and isn't logical?!

Edited by RootsBooster
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Stupid, plain stupid Baz1.


Take the Zika virus. What have these unborn children done to offend God? If God created everything, he/she created Zika which is destroying the potential of babies born to infected mothers.


It seems religious types like you will praise god for the good things in the world, but anything that is bad, is our own fault. Your own logic is complete crap!

Edited by Berberis
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The things Fry talk about like bone cancer etc. it is actually humans who will be accountable for why have we implemented and spread a capitalist ideology which fosters good healthcare, education, welfare services for the chosen few and not the rest?


Yes, we have taken this island of Britain and given it good education services (not yet perfect) and good health services (n.y.p.), and we have told the rest of the world how to do it.

Then we have released colonised lands to govern themselves; some of them have "elected" kleptocratic governments, and their rich do not pay the taxes that would extend services to their poor.

It must be all our fault!!

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So, we're not talking about any specific god but a generic one with no particular religion attached to it?

You might as well be questioning the moral intentions of sand or pencils.


Not really. Singling-out a specific religion isn't necessary or relevant to the topic. There are numerous religions that believe in hell or similar afterlife realms.

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