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Which was the first pub you ever got served in!!

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11d a pint in 1971? You're having a laugh. :)


1971 was the year of the change over to decimal currency so 11 pence makes more sense and the first place I went in that charged 'Two bob' a pint (and Wm. Youngers at that ) was the Cavendish Club that opened in around May 1967, of course pubs and indeed working men's clubs were always lesser priced and the pubs in the Wicker area were always less than mid-town prices and both pubs referred to the 'Lion Hotel' at Nursery Street and Wicker and the 'White Lion' -two doors away from the 'Big Gun'- were Tetley's, the only Tennant's (Whitbread) houses in that vicinity were the 'Lady's Bridge Hotel' (hotel I ask you !) and the 'Bull and Oak' in the Wicker.

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The Plough on Sandygate Rd. The pianist in our group was having his 21st party there.


I had 5 half pint bottles of lager and lime and was well oiled.


---------- Post added 17-04-2016 at 13:29 ----------


Sportsman Inn at Crosspool when Ernest Blenkinsop was Mein Host.I was about 16 at the time but remember a sporting plaque saying The Pride of Cudworth which featured Blenkinsop and Dorothy Hyman.


I was a regular in the Sportsman 1960's. I lived on Stephen Hill Rd., and every Sunday lunch, a little lady would walk from number 32, in her carpet slippers, to the Sportsman, with a jug and bring back a quart of Blenkies Best Mansfield Bitter at 1/6d a pint. Him indoors had his wife well trained.

Edited by mikeG
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Perhaps also for fun we could have a 'first pub refused service in', mine was a pub on Penistone Road near the park and not even an Owl's match day as I looked too young (I was 23 !) and on another site, some lad refused for kissing his girl friend on the way in !

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  • 1 year later...
As part of my research I thought it would be interesting to hear peoples memories of that glorious moment when you walk in a pub and get successfully order an alcoholic drink for the first time! In my case it was The Globe one month before my 16th birthday. It was also the only time I visited the pub when it was in its original 4 room configuration. I had a pint of Stones and it went down well!


omg thats the first pub i went in. i was 14 , bought half a pint of beer 6d in old money and a bag of beef crisp ,also played on pinball machines in corner of front room, 1970. landlord asked me my age ,just told him i was 18

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