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Electric shocks and flooding!

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Ok, so Sunday evening i noticed water damage in my bathroom, yeah i know what your going to say it's a bathroom! but water damage above the toilet and door, the water dripping down the wall. Then my partner calls me into the bedroom and my carpet is absolutely soaked! and water dripping down the wall near the light switch, spreading across to the other wall, and same in the kitchen near the door. water dripping everywhere! So sunday evening i called the council to report it as i think it's coming from the flat above me, they said they'd try get in touch with the tennent. got my mother to call them this morning, and they said they'd send someone out.. Nobody came. I phoned again this evening and they said they'd tried to get in contact with the tennent above me, but no reply from him. so the person i spoke too said she'd sent the day team an email, but theres nothing else they can do, as if the water is coming from upstairs and theres no one home they'd have to get forced entrey. So a few mins ago i went into the kitchen to get a drink and dry what i can from the wall, and as i went to turn the light off i got electric shocked and the light switch itself is hot!!


I am so angry right now!!! yet theres nothing else i can do!!!

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Have you been upstairs to speak to the other tenant?


No answer, although I'd continue trying?

Possibly vacant there though.


To the OP, you're going to have to switch off your electric, it sounds pretty dangerous.


At least switch off the circuits in the effected rooms, but that might not be possible.

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No answer, although I'd continue trying?

Possibly vacant there though.




Not the way that I read the OP.


They say that they have only contacted the council, who have only tried telephoning.

I would have nipped up the stairs, first thing, and given the door a knock.

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there was no point in knockin on the door as the person wasn't home. Had to turn off all the lights via the fuse box but thankfully today something has been done about it. the person on the top floor isn't actually living there. but this person is renting the property through a charity in sheffield. according to the keir workers who had to gain forced entry that the flat was bare. the only thing in the flat was a washing machine, which is what caused all the problems, so they fixed the problem and turned off his water. Now it's just a case of tryin to dry everything out.

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