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Another Wireless Programme. The Romanians.

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So,seeing as 22Million were fearmongered,we can see that it is nowhere near.


---------- Post added 17-07-2016 at 09:10 ----------



When are the English going to get into their fields and pick their own fruit and veg,and get into their chicken processing factories and prepare their own food,instead of slinking in the shadows,picking up their benefits,draining the economy and stigmatising and demonising migrants who come and do their work for them?


These jobs were always done by Students, when I worked in the cutlery industry we always set on a few students during their holidays. BUT I do agree about the English workshy, I can only highlight one bloke, he's never worked, he does a bit of cleaning, an hour a day, then returns at opening time and spends around six to seven hours drinking and smoking, hes just a Skiver.

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These jobs were always done by Students, when I worked in the cutlery industry we always set on a few students during their holidays. BUT I do agree about the English workshy, I can only highlight one bloke, he's never worked, he does a bit of cleaning, an hour a day, then returns at opening time and spends around six to seven hours drinking and smoking, hes just a Skiver.


He's not the norm though is he


You can't punish everyone just because, as there always will be, a few skivers


This was written 3,000 years ago. There were skivers then as well :roll:


Proverbs 13:4

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.

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In 2015 the Guardian ran a story about Brits claiming benefits in Europe, I found it very illuminating. I used to work in Europe and took advantage of the services offered to me but never unemployment benefit because I had jobs.

"Unemployed Britons in Europe are drawing much more in benefits and allowances in the wealthier EU countries than their nationals are claiming in the UK, despite the British government’s arguments about migrants flocking in to the country to secure better welfare payments.


At least 30,000 British nationals are claiming unemployment benefit in countries around the EU, research by the Guardian has found, based on responses from 23 of the 27 other EU countries."


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He's not the norm though is he


You can't punish everyone just because, as there always will be, a few skivers


This was written 3,000 years ago. There were skivers then as well :roll:


Proverbs 13:4

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.

A few Skivers! You can see the same people outside and inside estate pubs every single day throughout the land, young fit for work men, who's last intention is getting work.

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A few Skivers! You can see the same people outside and inside estate pubs every single day throughout the land, young fit for work men, who's last intention is getting work.


Oh really. What % of the working age population


Until you have any kind of stats there is zero point discussing it

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So,seeing as 22Million were fearmongered,we can see that it is nowhere near.


---------- Post added 17-07-2016 at 09:10 ----------



When are the English going to get into their fields and pick their own fruit and veg,and get into their chicken processing factories and prepare their own food,instead of slinking in the shadows,picking up their benefits,draining the economy and stigmatising and demonising migrants who come and do their work for them?




Who do you think did these tasks before we were inundated with cheap labour, thanks to Tony champagne socialist Bliar.




---------- Post added 17-07-2016 at 15:25 ----------


Until you come up with some stats then we will have to assume that this is indeed in your imagination.


Did you have a vivid imagination as a youngster? It seems you haven't lost it.


FWIW I work with a couple of young Romanians. Solid grafters. All their mates here are working.


---------- Post added 17-07-2016 at 10:57 ----------



Pointed this out on here yesterday. The Roma in Page Hall are Slovakians.


Roma does not automatically equal Romainian





Here is the same question put a little differently so you can understand it better, hopefully.


Do our benefits pay several times more than the basic working wage in Romania, yes or no will do for an answer.



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Who do you think did these tasks before we were inundated with cheap labour, thanks to Tony champagne socialist Bliar.





The point is,why are the English not doing those jobs now?

Why are they letting migrants do jobs that they can be doing?

Why are they draining the system by staying on benefits and having farmers employ migrants who are then stigmatised for putting strain on UK infrastructure and claiming in work benefits or other benefits that they are entitled to,when the root cause are the English who won't get into the fields or chicken processing factories to pick their own fruit or prepare their own food and stop the need for migrant labour coming into the country?

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Talk about putting down your own ! British industries were deliberately transferred to the cheap labour countries in the far east in the name of 'Globalisation' for big business profits. These industries, steel, shipbuilding, textiles and the rest were invented, developed and perfected over generations ( OUR generations, OUR forefathers ): a listen to any of Fred Dibnah's videos will remind you of the genius that went into their long development. Not only have these industries been ripped out of Britain ( given away for free ), but the apprenticeships and knowledge formerly passed down the generations has ended.


The young British unemployed of today would not be stacking supermarket shelves or attending Job Centres had OUR industries been continued to supply the demands always there. It wasn't an evolutionary change where such industries had come to their natural end, it was a revolutionary and detrimental one for Britain and for British workers. Britain is now a succession of industrial museums to its past glory among the wastelands where they once provided work.


In the 1980's I watched young couples, abandoned to fortune, queuing outside the DHSS where they were fed Giros instead of the job opportunities once available. In the absence of such industries, could they not, for example, have been trained up in retailing to run corner shops etc. with interest free loans to get them started ? As I understand it, Mosques are not just religious centres as, due to their religion prohibiting usury ( interest charging ) , they fund families to open businesses with the family keeping an amount of the profits to live off and the remainder going back to the Mosque to help others. Nothing at all wrong with that, but why didn't we do something similar to help our own ?


World overpopulation is one of the causes of mass immigration and the Overseas Aid programme has played no small part. " The more we feed, the more they breed, then the more they need "....not me, Winston Churchill ! If you object to what I've said, can I remind you that it used to be called 'Free Speech', the suppression of which has been totally un-democratic : If you don't like an opinion, do as we used to do, walk away, but losing your job and even imprisonment is the risk today. One thing's for sure, if your nightmare of the Far Right coming to power happens, they'll have little to do as regards 'fascist' policies as they're already in place courtesy of our 'Liberal Democracies' ! ( another Churchill quote......" Tomorrow's fascists will be the liberals !" How prophetic was 'The Greatest Briton' ! )


The 'silenc-ed majority' have had enough, as shown by Brexit. Stop putting down your own folk,others don't do this. Multi-culturalism is un-natural and has never worked no matter how much money and persuasion you pump into it and, have you noticed, those into 'Diversity' mostly live well away from it. Look around you...voluntary segregation everywhere, it ain't working mate ! Respect folk in their own lands, not ours.

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