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Another Wireless Programme. The Romanians.

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Just to set the record straight, I am indeed a man married for 46 years, I did indeed work as we say around here, at the coal face - meaning work at differing jobs all my life, 30 of them behind the HGV wheel, most of them only paid ordinary wages, not mega bucks. So my dues and demands to society have been met. Indeed my good lady wife has worked full time since leaving Tech at 18, so like myself her dues and demands are well up to date.


So to those who seem to enjoy criticising pensioners for their cheek in collecting their OAP, grumble away as it goes in one lug ole and aht ot tother.


As for our "foreign" friends who live 20 to a house or 10 in a caravan and are willing to work for way less than the minimum wage, try criticising them, as they are driving down wages to a level that our indigenous folk will simply not work for. Don't think for a minute that in the real world ALL Farmers that require labour pay way above the "living" wage, because they don't.








When Free Movement ends,the English will have the chance to get in the fields and chicken factories,and drive wages back up again,I'm sure they can't wait,but Article 50 is delaying the stampede to pick and dig.

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Does our benefit system pay several times more than the basic working wage in Romania, yes or no will do for an answer.


A simple answer will do, yes or no. Don't try to avoid the answer this time, have the courage of your convictions, yes or no.




Our benefit system pays more to junkies then basic working wage in UK.

I kid you not, this is a fact. People that will ransack your shed for 10 year old mower to sell it to scrap man are getting around 250 a week and a lot of freebies from council.

As for Romanians.

Romania is poor but there are Romanian white working people who are indigenous to Carpathian Mountains. Even after closer inspection it would be hard to find any differences between them and Greeks or Italians.

People who most of you think are Romanians are just holders of Romanian passports.

They are called Roma gypsies and came from India ages ago but never integrated. Word Roma being similar to Romania is just coincidental.

They form close knit clans, don't let any outsiders into their society and put their law over any other law.

For years they were most hated group across most of Europe.

Only recently Muslim migrants are taking over in that field. I can see a pattern there.

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Our benefit system pays more to junkies then basic working wage in UK.

I kid you not, this is a fact.


It's not a fact, it's a load of old cack.


People that will ransack your shed for 10 year old mower to sell it to scrap man are getting around 250 a week and a lot of freebies from council.


Another load of cack.

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Re. Angelfire. You seem to be missing something tzijlstra. If Angel is retired, she will have PAID her National Insurance for all of her working life, and it is that contract with the government which is now paying her pension, not new money.


How naive can you be. That National Insurance was dumped into some silly government project or other well before Angelfire was due his pension.

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It's not a fact, it's a load of old cack.


Not only this is a fact but a fact that can be backed by hard evidence.

Due to their self inflicted condition quite a lot of them are considered disabled - some physically after amputations caused by injecting, rest mentally due to dependency.

They get wide range of benefits that I pay for with my taxes.

One day when you grow up you will hopefully go to work and see how government takes a chunk out of your pay.

Because I am such a nice person I wish you work in pharmacy as a dispenser to get first hand experience.

And I wish you a nice big house on Parson Cross so you could experience items missing from your property as soon as you turn back.

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I find myself having to agree with you tzijlstra. I take it you're including such "silly gov't projects" as Overseas Aid to India with its space programme, nuclear weapons, new aircraft carriers, a third of the world's billionaires and whose ministers have repeatedly said they don't need it ?

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Not only this is a fact but a fact that can be backed by hard evidence.

Due to their self inflicted condition quite a lot of them are considered disabled - some physically after amputations caused by injecting, rest mentally due to dependency.

They get wide range of benefits that I pay for with my taxes.

One day when you grow up you will hopefully go to work and see how government takes a chunk out of your pay.

Because I am such a nice person I wish you work in pharmacy as a dispenser to get first hand experience.

And I wish you a nice big house on Parson Cross so you could experience items missing from your property as soon as you turn back.


I'm waiting. Until you provide it, you're still talking out of your hole.

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We have record levels of employment. What more can the government do.

If a tiny percentage of people choose to waste their lives let them do it. Stop obsessing about them and worry about more important stuff instead.


The problem I guess is these things feed a desire people seem to have to be angry about something, in fact anything. The Dail Mail has them like on a lead like little puppy dogs waiting for the next dog whistle.




Force the unemployed to work for their benefits instead of benefits being handouts.


Its hardly rocket science.

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Wouldn't having kept the industries that those unemployed Britons would have continued to find jobs in have been a better option than allowing capitalists to remove those industries abroad and making working people have to compete for what jobs are left with millions of incomers ?


Here's the Left insulting their ( once) core supporters, the working class folk they have betrayed with mass immigration and repressive anti-free speech legislation, focussing more on insulting them than on the Capitalist Globalists responsible for job losses. Labour is destroying itself by the hour, the latest entertainment being the allegations of racism and bullying within the Labour leadership of all places !


Could it be because the 'Cultural Marxism' which leads you by the nose has made you into what Lenin called his " Useful idiots ", slavishly pushing a Marxist / Kalergi 'anti-racist' agenda while ignorant of Marx and Engels' own rabid racism ? Leon Bronstein, aka Trotsky, coined the shut-you-up word 'racist' by the way . Google 'Marx's letters to Engels in Manchester 1860', or just 'Marx's Racism',.... but have your smelling salts at the ready. And I'm not a Tory, I've no time for the lot of you in the Westminster Bubble.


Opposing views on the internet are your collective undoing, and how you pseudo-democrats must hate it : come on now, you're good at banning, it's your stock-in-trade, try it with those parts of the truly democratic internet which spook you and see where you get !!

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