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General Recycling help?

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Hello I have some questions regarding recycling Ive recently just started trying to recycle as much plastic, cans, plastic as possible a few things of what I buy says on it not currently recycled or check with local recycling I think do you just chuck it in the blue bin anyway even if it says that or what are you meant to do with it?


Another thing is do you bother washing plastic tubs etc out like what you get breaded chicken in or similar things

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I think that if certain plastics aren't "currently" recycled, then they darned well ought to be and so I put them in the recycling bin to help show the scale of the issue. Without data, how can future recycling policy be formulated?


I give plastic tubs a quick wipe and rinse, but then, I don't have a water meter.

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I'm no chemist but as I understand it a lot if the thinner plastics (ie the covers on a pack of ham) are not recyclable but the plastic tray part is. No idea why but i just tend to take the covers completely off before recycling.

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I'm no chemist but as I understand it a lot if the thinner plastics (ie the covers on a pack of ham) are not recyclable but the plastic tray part is. No idea why but i just tend to take the covers completely off before recycling.


I am just guessing, but any left over plastic will be incinerated.


The Sheffield Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) is a modern incinerator which treats Sheffield's household waste.

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As it stands, Sheffield only recycles a small range of plastics and putting extra things in your blue bin which aren't in that small range can cause tonnes of other carefully sorted (by other people) plastics to be rejected, so please don't do that.


The different plastics need to be melted at different temperatures for recycling, so for instance, putting the lids in with clear bottles that are going to be recycled will ruin the entire batch because the lids will burn, causing the whole batch of clear plastics to be opaque and blackened and unsuitable for the planned recycling. This is why Sheffield specifies the plastics which can go in to their recycling bins.


Plenty of other plastics can be recycled if you look for recycling bins at 'bring' stations, like in some supermarket car parks and other places around the city. Yoghurt pots, plastic trays (usually without their film) and lots of other things could be recycled in a 'mixed plastics' recycling facility, where it doesn't matter if the batches are opaque or discoloured because they're going to become something where colour and opacity are not relevant.

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I think that if certain plastics aren't "currently" recycled, then they darned well ought to be and so I put them in the recycling bin to help show the scale of the issue. Without data, how can future recycling policy be formulated?


I give plastic tubs a quick wipe and rinse, but then, I don't have a water meter.


Exactly what I think and Ive started doing with them haha! Glad you think the same :)


---------- Post added 03-02-2016 at 21:13 ----------


Well thanks for the replies so far the reason why I have started doing it more than what I ever did was with a family its so easy to fill the black bin before it used to be crammed full but now since ive started its no where as near

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Exactly what I think and Ive started doing with them haha! Glad you think the same :)


---------- Post added 03-02-2016 at 21:13 ----------


Well thanks for the replies so far the reason why I have started doing it more than what I ever did was with a family its so easy to fill the black bin before it used to be crammed full but now since ive started its no where as near


Wishing for the policy to change is not really a good reason for deliberately spoiling tonnes of recycled plastic though, is it?

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As it stands, Sheffield only recycles a small range of plastics and putting extra things in your blue bin which aren't in that small range can cause tonnes of other carefully sorted (by other people) plastics to be rejected, so please don't do that.


It's embarrassing how low tech our recycling capabilities are in Sheffield. Look what you can do over t'border:



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