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Stupid car mods

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Just run your finger down the stocking an make a ladder in the material :hihi::hihi::hihi:



I couldn't do that. The owners obviously loves his car what with all the expense he's going to to make it stand out.

Unless its dark as someone has already pointed out it wont stand out much at all.

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Way back when a friend of mine bought a second hand Golf Mk III because they were considered cool. He was always working on that car, trying to make it look as mean as possible. One warm day he came round to show me his new gauges, an oil-pressure gauge, a turbo gauge and some other stuff. Looked really cool. Next day I called him to play some basketball and he told me he couldn't come because his car had burnt down. To install the gauges he had taken all sorts of bits off his engine, put them back and created at least one oil-leak and possibly a fuel leak without realising. When he spotted oil on the drive he decided to find out if the oil was leaking by racing down a well known hotspot for speeding, revving his engine extra hard to see what the oil-pressure gauge he had installed had to say.


Turns out it was leaking indeed... Apparently modding your car takes skill, who knew!

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