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Time Travel - What would you go back and see?

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Couldn't you just find a comfy chair and sit down and wait patiently until everyone else catches you up?


I think that would work... :huh:


If it was on a space ship traveling at the speed of light in an orbit close to the sun time dilation would allow them to catch up. :)

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Travelling forward in time is a lot more easily accomplishable than travelling backward through it. Einstein's law of Special Relativity shows it's quite easy to travel forward in time, and has indeed already been accomplished.

Travelling back through time involves laws of physics we can only postulate on at the moment, using more exotic ways of 'travelling' which involve wormholes, rather than just speed.

Of course, until you can travel back in time, travelling forward becomes a one-way ticket.


How can you travel into the future, when the future hasn't happened yet?:huh:


Have you any examples of future travel already being accomplished?

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How can you travel into the future, when the future hasn't happened yet?:huh:


Have you any examples of future travel already being accomplished?


The Hafele-Keating experiment proves Einstein's theory pretty conclusively.

Obviously, I suppose can't travel backward in time due pretty much to aircraft not having reverse gears. :)

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Ok, Lets say you could go back in time, not affect anything (which means you couldn't get hurt) what things would you like to go back and witness first hand?


Here is my own little list off the top of my head.


Ressurection of Lazarus

Witness Parting of Red Sea

Noachian Flood

Roman Coliseum to see gladiator contest.

Jesus' Crucifixation

The Zulu war

A Bareknuckle prize fight


That's a pretty cataclysmic and violent wish list you have there.


To witness the time of the dinosaur.


As for moving forward..to see haw man has progressed/evolved in a million yrs. Or just enough time to get the winning numbers of the 3 highest lottery wins.

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Definately Jesus's time. I'm an athiest so want to know if my theory is correct and he wasnt the son of god. If he wasn he might produce a decent glass of wine.


What does "son of god" mean in this context?

Did he inherit "God's" DNA?

Lots of mythical heroes of the ancient world were dons of various gods.

Probably the first writing about Jesus we have is by Paul, who says he was born normally "of a woman" without any virgin birth trimmings.

As a Jesus following atheist, I believe in his message, but not the "magic" stories about him.

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