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Time Travel - What would you go back and see?

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I like the idea of going back in time and manipulating an event. Having said that, if we all could do it there'd be hell to pay!! Imagine coming back to the future to find that nobody in your family knew you or you didn't even exist (hang on. I think I've lost the plot here!)

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Originally posted by halevan

I would like to meet Jesus Christ in person, to witness the miracles he performed, to see him raising the dead, changing water into wine, making the blind see again.


Also, to hear the sermon on the mount, hear his voice,look at his wonderfull face, experience his magnetic personality, touch his garment, and beg him to heal me. Ah what bliss. If only!!!!!!!!!!!


That reminds me of a SF short story - I think the title was "Let's Go to Golgotha". So anyway time travel gets invented and the hero of the story leads a tour party to Golgotha to witness the crucifiction. Including the time-travelers there are only a few people there. The hero returns to his own time and then leads another party back to witness the crucifiction. There are a few more people there. He carries on with this pattern (as do other tour guides) until eventually there are millions of time-travellers at Golgotha and the hero is having to ignore all the other instances of himself.



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Originally posted by fnkysknky

It's a time machine, it only lets you go back to things that did happen

What an insightful comment. I've yet to see evidence to suggest that Jesus didn't live. Yet there is plenty to say that he did.

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Because there's a lot of gullible, wishful thinking people around. Even if Jesus did exist, he was probably just a good orator, rather than somebody with "higher" powers.


If anyone perhaps wants to show me any evidence of the existence of a god of any kind, I'd be very interested to see it.


Unfortunately, nobody can, and any Christians I talk to just mumble on about needing to have Faith - yeah right :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Mike

If anyone perhaps wants to show me any evidence of the existence of a god of any kind, I'd be very interested to see it.

Read the bible.


But anyway, I don't really care if Jesus performed miracles or not, it's his philosophy I admire.

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I've read the bible. It's a good read, though majorly bizarre in places, but I don't think very much of it is based on fact.


Nothing wrong with the philosophies - all good peaceful stuff, but I find it odd that people actually believe in all that stuff. I'd like to be able to say it's harmless, but unfortunately it's not.


Anyway, this is digressing from the thread so in answer to the original poster, I reckon the Big Bang would be hard to beat.

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