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Time Travel - What would you go back and see?

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1) Love to go back and talk to Einstein


2) Go back to beginning of my A levels and not get distracted by a particular girl that messed a lot of things up for me by being such a distraction and then dump me cus she wanted to go f**k other people :(


3) Go sometime in the late 60's and see Hendrix, Deep Purple, Sabbath, Pink Floyd and Zepplin live in concert (not together)... especially Hendrix, I would have loved to meet him!

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  • 2 years later...

I hope this doesnt sound stupid,but i would go back to 1996 and buy $100s worth of m&ms! (They changed the recipe in 2000 to using SKIM MILK,MILKFAT and they taste like crapola now)


I would also buy alot of BIG MACS as a couple years ago they changed the sauce which is garbage now...... (Also Mcdonalds ORANGE DRINK is no more,so i would drink tons of it)

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Ok, Lets say you could go back in time, not affect anything (which means you couldn't get hurt) what things would you like to go back and witness first hand?


Here is my own little list off the top of my head.


Ressurection of Lazarus

Witness Parting of Red Sea

Noachian Flood

Roman Coliseum to see gladiator contest.

Jesus' Crucifixation

The Zulu war

A Bareknuckle prize fight


Go to Stow horse fair and you can see bareknuckle prize fights. Last day is today!

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  • 4 years later...
Ok, Lets say you could go back in time, not affect anything (which means you couldn't get hurt) what things would you like to go back and witness first hand?


Here is my own little list off the top of my head.


Ressurection of Lazarus

Witness Parting of Red Sea

Noachian Flood

Roman Coliseum to see gladiator contest.

Jesus' Crucifixation

The Zulu war

A Bareknuckle prize fight


I would watch Muhammeds life, start to finish.

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Hmmm so much History to choose from. But because i'm such a lover of military history, most of it would be battles, seeing the Generals and Colonels planning etc. Obviously for some of these I would need a translator like something out of a Sci-fi film but still.


The Big Bang... With a video camera


Dinosaurs roaming Pre-historic the land that would become Britain.


Shake hands with Jesus and try to convince Muhammad to leave out the more violent parts of the Quran (as well as convincing the Pope at the time to chill the f out)


Richard the Lionheart in battle against Saladin.


The Hundred War. Battles like Agincourt seeing lowly archers beating Noble knights at "Their own game"


While i'm in this time period maybe make sure Joan of Arc doesn't rise to power :roll:


The Great fire of London... See if it "was" started on purpose!


The War of Independence. Maybe inform the British where the Colonial Rebel leaders meet up :hihi: and bring some medicine of something for George the III so he could maybe regain his mind.


If the one before didn't work out as I planned. I would love to see he British sacking of Washington


Napoleonic wars, if my meddling in the past hadn't affected this then, Battles of Trafalger and Waterloo, maybe give Nelson a bulletproof vest!


As before if my meddling before hadn't affected it. The American Civil war would be interesting, maybe try to convince the British to help the Confederates, in return for a deal (Think the deal Dr. Arliss Loveless wanted in the Wild Wild West).


Try to stop in someway the bloodbath that was WW1, that wasn't battle it was a giant moving abattoir for human beings.


If WW1 couldn't be stopped and it wasn't possible to remove Hitler from the picture, then I would definitely influence the British forces in WW2, give them Hitlers plans to attack through the Ardennes, so an ambush could be set up.


If that failed, make sure a certain briefcase wasn't moved to the opposite side of the table and end Hitler once and for all.


If I couldn't affect WW2 in anyway. Listen to Churchill's rousing speeches first hand.


Obviously see England beat Germany in 1966 and laugh in a German's face about it.


Slap Maggie Thatcher. Hard. (I don't condone hitting women but for all the people classified as been from "the North" this would need to be done)


Encourage Sheffield United to invest in Microsoft as well as do as much as possible myself.


Somehow make it so Southgate didn't miss... Its one of my earliest football memories. I was only 10 but still it was heartbreaking.


Convince Tony Blair that multiculturalism will be a bad idea.


Convince my thinner, younger self not to bottle it with a certain drop dead gorgeous Geordie bird in Benidorm.

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