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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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For those that rely upon information rather than illogical deductions, here's how NICE recommendations people get treated on the NHS for the deficiency of vitamin B12: http://cks.nice.org.uk/anaemia-b12-and-folate-deficiency#!scenario


For those unhappy with the NHS's inadequate allocations of b12-




petition (and links to info) here-




be aware that UK gps are hopelessly out-of-date with their approach to b12


here's a United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS) alert for b12-


“In the event of any discordance between clinical findings of B12 deficiency and a normal B12 laboratory result, then treatment should not be delayed. Clinical findings might include possible pernicious anaemia or neuropathy including subacute combined degeneration of the cord. We recommend storing serum for further analysis including MMA, or holotranscobalamin and intrinsic factor antibody analysis, and treating the patient immediately with parenteral B12 treatment.”


all organisations with genuine knowledge of b12 issues advise, when there is suspicion or possiblity of b12 absorbancy issues, that immediate b12 injections are administered, as b12 is harmless and cheap, and, by the time symptoms of b12 deficiency occur, irreversible nerve damage is likely to be taking place.

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For those unhappy with the NHS's inadequate allocations of b12-




petition (and links to info) here-




be aware that UK gps are hopelessly out-of-date with their approach to b12


here's a United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS) alert for b12-




all organisations with genuine knowledge of b12 issues advise, when there is suspicion or possiblity of b12 absorbancy issues, that immediate b12 injections are administered, as b12 is harmless and cheap, and, by the time symptoms of b12 deficiency occur, irreversible nerve damage is likely to be taking place.


JFK's link in way indicated that B12 injections would be delayed. I see you've found another drum to bang, and once again you've selectivly picked the things you want to hear and conflated it to some big bad conspiracy of ineptitude.


Please if it's actually important to you - start another thread and dont start derailing this one.

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For those unhappy with the NHS's inadequate allocations of b12-




petition (and links to info) here-




be aware that UK gps are hopelessly out-of-date with their approach to b12


here's a United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS) alert for b12-




all organisations with genuine knowledge of b12 issues advise, when there is suspicion or possiblity of b12 absorbancy issues, that immediate b12 injections are administered, as b12 is harmless and cheap, and, by the time symptoms of b12 deficiency occur, irreversible nerve damage is likely to be taking place.


Did you not read the NICE link that you rubbished then? What do you think of it?

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Again there are no follow up studies of COMPLETELY unvaccinated against vaccinated.


The link that sgtkate posted of 95000 kids is pacific to the MMR vaccine and they describe unvaccinated as having had only one single shot of MMR vaccine



Once again...a study article that leaves out the fact that they did not compare completely unvaccinated children. They only compared children who did not receive the MMR vaccine - and called them unvaccinated - when in fact, they received other vaccines. Also they included the *unvaccinated* if they did not receive BOTH doses of MMR (but indeed received the first MMR dosage).

*still waiting for 100% unvaccinated study (NO VACCINE AT ALL) and their health issues comparison to vaccinated children and their health issues*


Paul Offit ( apt name) admitted that no studies are done--citing nonesense such as the health of the kids is not known prior to vaccination so it would not be a fair study!


Watch this 2 minute clip.



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Again there are no follow up studies of COMPLETELY unvaccinated against vaccinated.


The link that sgtkate posted of 95000 kids is pacific to the MMR vaccine and they describe unvaccinated as having had only one single shot of MMR vaccine



Once again...a study article that leaves out the fact that they did not compare completely unvaccinated children. They only compared children who did not receive the MMR vaccine - and called them unvaccinated - when in fact, they received other vaccines. Also they included the *unvaccinated* if they did not receive BOTH doses of MMR (but indeed received the first MMR dosage).

*still waiting for 100% unvaccinated study (NO VACCINE AT ALL) and their health issues comparison to vaccinated children and their health issues*


Paul Offit ( apt name) admitted that no studies are done--citing nonesense such as the health of the kids is not known prior to vaccination so it would not be a fair study!


Watch this 2 minute clip.




Perhaps because such few parents are so foolish as to not vaccinate their children at all that there aren't enough for a study?


So are you now trying to claim that ANY vaccine causes autism? And would you care to offer any evidence for this at all?

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Not just autism but harm in general from all vaccines.


My best friend now 50 had a vaccine just after birth,forget now which one.


His body turned blue and he stopped breathing for a while.


Luckily he survived,many do not!

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Not just autism but harm in general from all vaccines.


My best friend now 50 had a vaccine just after birth,forget now which one.


His body turned blue and he stopped breathing for a while.


Luckily he survived,many do not!


You cannot remember because it didn't exist. The only vaccine routinely give at birth is HepB. That wasn't even available until 1981. Your 50 year old friend never got a vaccine at birth.

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Not just autism but harm in general from all vaccines.


My best friend now 50 had a vaccine just after birth,forget now which one.


His body turned blue and he stopped breathing for a while.


Luckily he survived,many do not!


Do you know how many babies have breathing difficulties when they are born? 10%. That's right, 1 in 10 babies need some form of assistance with breathing when they are first born. So perhaps, just perhaps it's more likely that your friend was one of the 1 in 10 babies that needed this help. And thanks to medical intervention (those same HORRIBLE, CORRUPT doctors that force vaccines on people) they survived. Amazing right?


So now you've changed the situation to remove any possible chance of it being birth related. How clever of you. It appears that all you do is change the story or anecdote whenever you are challenged. And it's getting tiresome now.

Edited by sgtkate
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