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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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Spoke to my friend tonight,the one that nearly kicked the bucket shortly after receiving a vaccine.


He is not sure how old he was--but thinks around 3 months.


He said it was a combo of horse serum,diphtheria and yellow fever,not sure as I've forgotten exactly.

Anyway,those quotes are damning. So many professional people from all different countries


and they all believe these vaccines are extremely dangerous.


This sort of information is not easy to ignore! How do the sheep manage it?


Beyond my understanding of psychology. Cognitive dissonance --- is my best guess.


Will defend their reality to the ends of the earth no matter what.

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Spoke to my friend tonight,the one that nearly kicked the bucket shortly after receiving a vaccine.


He is not sure how old he was--but thinks around 3 months..


So we went from "at birth" to 3 months. Big jump.


And clearly he could remember when you were certain he couldn't.


Hardly convincing is it... so he went blue at birth and then had vaccines 3 months later. So there was no link.

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He had one vaccine. It was a combo shot and he has never had another one since.


Surprised he hasn't come down with those nasty diseases.


Actually he should be dead.


Pro vaxers have been brainwashed to think our immune system offers secondary protection next to vaccines.


Surprised humanity survived for so long prior to vaccination!


There is so much BS hype regarding these shots....the sheep have NO chance whatsoever of noticing the wolf in their very pen!

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Well, thanks for clarifying that.


You're welcome.



The next time you misunderstand I'll remind you of 99.9%.


I'll look forward to that :)


---------- Post added 19-02-2016 at 18:25 ----------


Looks like the UK knows how useful vaccination is though...






A lot of the people who didn't want MMR were pro-vaccine in general. They weren't against vaccines per se, they just had an issue with MMR.


Perhaps you should get a petition going demanding better access to MMR, see how many signatures that gets :)

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Sad reflection of how utterly brainwashed British society is--- that BBC link.




Several Internet sites have been started and maintained by parents whose children have been seriously vaccine damaged. They share their tragic personal stories that are hidden from public view and ignored or scoffed at by pediatricians and other medical professionals.




Might want to have a close listen to that link I sent you the other day onewheeldave. It does seem while you have an open mind,you are still not immune from the scam that is vaccination.

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Sad reflection of how utterly brainwashed British society is--- tht BBC link.




Oh dear it's natural news. You just lost the argument - quoting an activist site renowned for talking unsubstantiated crud is never going to help. Please do some research first of these places.


---------- Post added 19-02-2016 at 18:46 ----------


He had one vaccine. It was a combo shot


Of diptheria and yellow fever?


Rubbish. Seperate vaccines and yellow fever is not given until 9 months. More porkie pies from you.

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Just repeating what my friend said. And he said he was not sure of the time period,read what I wrote!


Honestly,you probably spent a good 15 minutes googling that and even then could come with nout.

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So you didnt think to check yourself? When it's deomnstrably false?


More fool you. We've gone from "Nearly died at birth from a vaccine" to "im making this stuff up as I go along and I dont know what it was when it was when it happened, where I live or what my name is"

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Might want to have a close listen to that link I sent you the other day onewheeldave. It does seem while you have an open mind,you are still not immune from the scam that is vaccination.


I research a lot of stuff to do with health, diet etc.


These things are very complex, and, as you will fully realise, getting closer to truth takes a lot of time and energy (especially as there is a great deal of misinformation, distortion and suppression, due to the financial interests of the pharmaceutical & food industries).


So I have to prioritise- things like diet, b12 issue and why the NHS is so far removed from being a 'health' service, all affect me greatly, so that's what I spend my time researching.


Vaccinations, MMR etc I'm primarily interested in due to things like the NHS trying to coerce parents into getting their child/ren MMR'd, and refusing them the very reasonable alternative of seperate vaccinations.


Of course I defend the right of every parent to not have their child vaccinated- in general, I'm pro-choice.


But, as to whether vaccines per se are bad or good, I really couldn't say- I've simply not researched it to the extent that would be necessary. TBH, it's a low priority as I know I certainly won't be getting vaccinated, and, having no children, I won't have to face that decision either.


I can see there's some extremely suspicious behaviour with the national health services over vaccines, and it’s obvious that MMR and the ‘flu jab’ are likely things to avoid totally.


I also find that pseudo-rationalisr/sceptic types are drawn to vaccine support and national health system apologism, bringing in a lot of intellectual-sounding but logically invalid ‘arguments’ to bolster their cause. That’s not just annoying, it’s dangerous, because they’re propping up systems that are causing great harm.


The NHS blocking people from acquiring B12 is appaling. It’s crazy that it’s now preventing people from using a substance that they either need, or at least stongly feel they need it, when that substance is proven beyond doubt to be harmless, and, is also very cheap.


That’s a clear example, possibly the clearest, of a system that is out-of-control, not fit for purpose, and, extremely dangerous.


Decades of managing symptoms with billions of patients on life-long medication, with illnesses that didn’t need to exist, have turned these national health systems into monsters. The tragedy is that the majority of the workers in that system, are decent honest people. These systems were created with the good intention of serving humans, now humans are serving the systems.

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