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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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It's not propaganda, vaccination only works if the majority of the potential host population are vacinnated.

There are always some who can't be for medical reasons, perhaps immunodeficient for example.

And allowing idiot parents to opt out for their own children due to a lack of understanding and the FUD people like you are spreading puts these few children who CAN'T be immunised at severe risk.


I'm totally against enforced vaccinations. Pretty much was before this thread, and now I'm decided.


As for FUD, while the anti-vaccination lot could be accused of that, I see just as much FUD being issued by the sceptic movement.

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To summarise my position-


1. I'm not anti-vaccine- have not done enough research to dismiss or support vaccines per se

2. I am anti-enforced vaccination


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 13:31 ----------


None vaccinated children, with no medical reason, shouldn't be allowed to mingle with other children.



My opinion- yes they should.

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To summarise my position-


1. I'm not anti-vaccine- have not done enough research to dismiss or support vaccines per se

2. I am anti-enforced vaccination


Actually, it may surprise you to hear so am anti-enforced vaccination. I however do understand that there should be ramifications of deciding not to vaccinate your children, such as nurseries and schools being able to refuse admission to children who are not vaccinated for non-medical reasons.

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Actually, it may surprise you to hear so am anti-enforced vaccination. I however do understand that there should be ramifications of deciding not to vaccinate your children, such as nurseries and schools being able to refuse admission to children who are not vaccinated for non-medical reasons.


How is a child being denied access to a school (because, if all schools in the area refuse un-vaccinated children, and, are legally entitled to do so, that child will not be able to go to school) not enforcing vaccinations?


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 13:42 ----------


It's a shame that the parents can't be immunised for stupidity and ignorance.

That's useful.


I love the sceptic movements friendly recruitment tactics :)


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 13:46 ----------


It's not propaganda...


if propaganda is defined- "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view." then I think it is propaganda.


....vaccination only works if the majority of the potential host population are vaccinated.

Herd immunity- the backbone of the sceptical movements drive for enforced vaccinations.


I guess more and more of the population are sick of being presumed to be part of 'a herd', or a 'host population'- they're starting to remember that they were once individual human beings, and, could be once again?

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How is a child being denied access to a school (because, if all schools in the area refuse un-vaccinated children, and, are legally entitled to do so, that child will not be able to go to school) not enforcing vaccinations?


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 13:42 ----------


That's useful.


I love the sceptic movements friendly recruitment tactics :)


The parents could home educate if they choose, or pay for private education.


Why should unimmunized children be allowed in mainstream school? Why should they have the right to put other children at risk?


Edit. Children don't need to be part of the herd. They can be kept at home away from the herd if the parents wish.

Edited by Eater Sundae
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How is a child being denied access to a school (because, if all schools in the area refuse un-vaccinated children, and, are legally entitled to do so, that child will not be able to go to school) not enforcing vaccinations?


What about the children who for a medical reasons cannot be vaccinated? Is it fair that they're put at greater risk due to the actions of parents who decide not to vaccinate their children?


It's something for the non vaccinating parents to consider, that there are consequences to their actions. Anyway there would be schools who are desperate to get their pupil numbers up, who may be more relaxed about letting in children.

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How is a child being denied access to a school (because, if all schools in the area refuse un-vaccinated children, and, are legally entitled to do so, that child will not be able to go to school) not enforcing vaccinations?


Just move to somewhere that vaccines aren't a priority like Ukraine or Syria.

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You know- if you didn't push it, the problem wouldn't exist.


Sufficient of the population are pro-vaccine enough that enough of them would go for it. (After all, the sceptics are quoting past successes with vaccinated populations, so enough clearly have done in the past).


But no- that's not enough, they have to go on to-


1. more, more, more vaccinations- against any concievable infection- to the extent that under 5's are getting flu jabd!!!


2. compliance- legislate! Force parents to allow their child to be injected with vaccines, that, at least occasionally, will cripple


3. FUD & guilt- get the propaganda out that anyone not vaccinating is letting society down and personally responsible for others getting ill, and even 'baby killing'


4. Suppress- allow no discussion over pharmaceutical financial interests in pushing ever increasing vaccine (and general drug use) onto the population. Go no further than admitting the pharmas are 'flawed' (implying far less than 'outright criminal corruption')


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 13:57 ----------


What about the children who for a medical reasons cannot be vaccinated? Is it fair that they're put at greater risk due to the actions of parents who decide not to vaccinate their children?


It's something for the non vaccinating parents to consider, that there are consequences to their actions. Anyway there would be schools who are desperate to get their pupil numbers up, who may be more relaxed about letting in children.


Not disputing your point, but, that still amounts to children not being allowed into school, and, is therefore enforced vaccination, which you say you are against.


Anyway there would be schools who are desperate to get their pupil numbers up, who may be more relaxed about letting in children.

Maybe, maybe not. Schools tend to end up adopting one consistent policy on issues like this- all it takes is for the 'best practice' committees to have an excess of sceptics who, unlike you, do support enforced vaccination, or, who fall for the arguments of such.


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 13:58 ----------


Just move to somewhere that vaccines aren't a priority like Ukraine or Syria.


Couldn't you guys just move over to the USA? That's the place to be if you want enforced vaccinations.

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