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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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Why do you want people to continue to take vaccines when there is clearly so much evidence out there of harm?


Why do you want to kill babies?


I't snot a difficult question. Can't you answer it? Perhaps you do want to kill babies?


(for those reading - I'm just employing the same tactics that anti vaxxers do. If they find it outrageous perhaps they will actually understand)

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First,the reported cases of adverse reaction are just a tiny percentage of the adverse reactions that are actually happening as most people don't report them.


You might want to stop right there and read what you just said. Read it back to yourself several times out loud, slowly if you have to.

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There is evidence to the U.S Congress from a female paediatrician regarding the harm caused by vaccinations.


It's titled Shocking testimony to Congress of harm by vaccinations.


You can watch it online.


She mentions that she has first hand experience of a baby dying after receiving a shot.


Do you have a link to that video? I'd be interested in watching it.

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Do you have a link to that video? I'd be interested in watching it.


Interesting that no one seems to ask for a video where several million doctors all over the world say they totally support vaccines and where all of those doctors that are so corrupt and evil and in the pockets of corporate pharma also vaccinate their own kids with the same meds they give to ours?

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Words fail you because you'd rather not go there.....find out you have been duped all those years.


Never mind,at one time or other we have all been had.


Link to the video.


The female paediatrician testifying mentions that she has seen not one but three babies die shortly after receiving their vaccine. Please take the time to listen.


Edited by MAC33
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Words fail you because you'd rather not go there.....find out you have been duped all those years. ...

Blimey, you're right! I had thought that a major concern about the quality of the evidence you offer in support of your position was because it nestles amidst pages suggesting that no children died at Sandy Hook, that the Auschwitz gas chambers were a hoax, that the earth is flat, and other such boswellox that runs the gamut from mildly amusing to flat out reprehensible. My mistake.

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