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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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I didn't put forward my argument, like I said-



However, if you'd continued to read it, the full quote is



which, being a paper by a long established and well respected professor, should be right up your street.


Usually yeah that's cool and I'd discuss it. However you've already stated flat out that you're not going to argue with me because I'm 'logically challenged' and strongly implied that all your opponents on this thread are 'of low intellect'. So I'll leave you to it this time.


What's the point in taking 'my turn' if all I'm going to get back is insults like that?


Also of the very next day after that you started pulling others up on this thread for ad hominems, you hypocrite.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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Hear, hear- spot on.


I find it really galling how these pseudo-rationalists with their blah blah


That's because the sensible people can't be arsed to explain the simplest things yet again to people who believe in fairies and magic. It grinds you down and frays the temper to have to need to convince people about A level science.


Personally I think you should be able to opt yourself out of the NHS if you feel like it. You either get it all or nothing but you can take your ill informed rubbish and drop dead if that's what you really believe in.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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Personally I think you should be able to opt yourself out of the NHS if you feel like it. You either get it all or nothing but you can take your ill informed rubbish and drop dead if that's what you really believe in.


Big problem with that is that children get their decisions made for them and can't be expected to be informed or rational.

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This is what anti vaxxination is.




Look at it


Read it.


If you dont want to vaccinate your children, this is what you risk.


These diseases kill. Meningitis - 10% fatality rate Polio - 2% fatality rate Measles 5% serious complications. 0.1% die.


If you do not get them vaccinated you will catch these diseases. If they catch them some of them will die. Lots of them. Every year. Every single year. All the time. This is what you want?


Shame on you all.

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That article is good PR no doubt.


But,a closer read will reveal the scare tactics.


"Although the introduction of the Men B vaccine on the childhood immunisation scheme for young babies was a momentous achievement, saving thousands of lives, there are still so many, like Faye, left unprotected.



That is a claim of lives saved with NO time period mentioned.


Secondly,with such high vaccination rates anyway,around 90 percent,the vast majority contracting the disease will be vaccinated.


This suggests that the vaccine is not working. Just like the flu vax does not work



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Please provide the evidence that the kids contracting all these diseases are Not vaccinated


You made the claim so it is up to you to back it up. The pro vaccination position is widely accepted with plenty of peer reviewed evidence so if you disagree you need to provide real peer reviewed statistical evidence.

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That article is good PR no doubt.


But,a closer read will reveal the scare tactics.


"Although the introduction of the Men B vaccine on the childhood immunisation scheme for young babies was a momentous achievement, saving thousands of lives, there are still so many, like Faye, left unprotected.



That is a claim of lives saved with NO time period mentioned.


Secondly,with such high vaccination rates anyway,around 90 percent,the vast majority contracting the disease will be vaccinated.


This suggests that the vaccine is not working. Just like the flu vax does not work




All I can say is thank god you don't live in the UK as if you did and your unvaccinated kids were in my local school I'd remove my kids from that school to keep them away from yours.


You are just an idiot. I'm sorry to get offensive but it needs to be said repeatedly until you go and understand maths. This isn't even about science with you, you cannot even do basic addition and subtraction. You are pathetic and I truly feel sorry for any children you may have that your decisions are adversely affecting their lives and when they get a disease for which there is a vaccine then I hope you will realise that it is your fault and your fault alone. I looked at the links you sent me out of interest and they are illogical, false and are based on a similar lack of understanding to your around numbers.


There is clearly not point in arguing with you are rather than looking at evidence you have decided to believe anecdotes over years and years of double blind experiments. You do understand double blind right? That's where even the people doing the testing have no way to tell who has which treatment until after the experiment has been completed so there is NO WAY to manipulate that. If you can start to open your closed mind just a fraction and get your head around that then perhaps you can still save your own kids.

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