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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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With real sheep you need a sheepdog to police the sheep.


With human sheep-- they police themselves.


Such is the utter denial of any evidence that goes against their core belief-- that vaccines are good.


Ignorance / denial call it what you will--- is indeed blissful.

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With real sheep you need a sheepdog to police the sheep.


With human sheep-- they police themselves.


Such is the utter denial of any evidence that goes against their core belief-- that vaccines are good.


Ignorance / denial call it what you will--- is indeed blissful.


For the hundredth time. If you provide EVIDENCE then I will listen to you. Evidence is not a YouTube video, or a single statement given by a single doctor. You have to understand that if you want people to take you seriously then you MUST provide evidence which you cannot do. Perhaps you could start a crowdsourcing fundraiser to fund a medical study comparing fully unvaccinated children against vaccinated ones. If you did this and the study was signed off by a medical journal then you'd have evidence that could not be ignored. You cannot be the only one who believes you are right, so go and prove it otherwise you will continue to be ignored as a conspiracy theorist.

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...And it's getting tiresome now.

Run, sgtkate, run, as fast as you can. You're wasting your breath the skin on your fingertips. Your words won't have the tiniest scrap of influence on the views of someone whose evidence in support of his case shares space with that from Sandy Hook 'truthers' and Holocaust deniers. Seriously, you'll end up like this.


On the plus side, I don't think even those who are, alas, still on the fence about the benefits of vaccination take MAC33 seriously, having seen the quality of the sites he links to and the evidence provided.

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It would seem to be impossible for a rational mind to conceive that a filthy virus derived from a smallpox corpse, the ulcerated udder of a cow, or the running sores of a sick horse's heels, and cultivated in scabbed festers on a calf's abdomen could fail to have disastrous effects when inoculated into the human body. As Professor Mclntosh remarked in the Lancet in 1926, "Scientifically it cannot be disputed that from every point of view the injection of virus capable of multiplying in the body of the individual is bad."

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It would seem to be impossible for a rational mind to conceive that a filthy virus derived from a smallpox corpse, the ulcerated udder of a cow, or the running sores of a sick horse's heels, and cultivated in scabbed festers on a calf's abdomen could fail to have disastrous effects when inoculated into the human body. As Professor Mclntosh remarked in the Lancet in 1926, "Scientifically it cannot be disputed that from every point of view the injection of virus capable of multiplying in the body of the individual is bad."


Well it seems to have worked pretty well for all those kids who haven't died of smallpox, polio, meningitis, hep B etc so far right?


Hecate, you are absolutely right. I think I've been pretty fair mostly. Genuine apologies MAC33 for when I've been rude, just I'm trying to explain to you why it's hard to take your viewpoint seriously and showing you what you need to do to get people to listen to you and then you just make out I'm a small-minded idiot who only vaccinates because I'm a sheep.


Then the best you can come up with is a doctor from 1926! Do you not see how sound to others? If I could invent a timemachine and go back to 1926 and ask him about AIDs or HIV he'd say these illnesses don't exist, yet we know they do, so it seems a little disingenuous to use a 1926 quote to back up why you don't believe in vaccinations.

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I never said it was at birth....a day after birth,a week possibly more.


Your manner Obelix is appalling to be frank.


WHOOSH - there's the moving goalposts. You lied about at birth then, so now it's a week or so... going to change and tell another fib? Because you see there was no vaccince given in the first two months in the 1960s


Your manner and actions are beyond description - I've never met anyone as close minded and foolish as yourself.

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It would seem to be impossible for a rational mind to conceive that a filthy virus derived from a smallpox corpse, the ulcerated udder of a cow, or the running sores of a sick horse's heels, and cultivated in scabbed festers on a calf's abdomen could fail to have disastrous effects when inoculated into the human body. As Professor Mclntosh remarked in the Lancet in 1926, "Scientifically it cannot be disputed that from every point of view the injection of virus capable of multiplying in the body of the individual is bad."

This is fantastic. I really did LOL. If it wasn't for your persistence, I'd genuinely believe you were sat in a lab somewhere having a bit of a troll and a chuckle in between incubations.


You don't need the folk on here to counter your views; you do an excellent job of illuminating your position yourself.

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It would seem to be impossible for a rational mind to conceive that a filthy virus derived from a smallpox corpse, the ulcerated udder of a cow, or the running sores of a sick horse's heels, and cultivated in scabbed festers on a calf's abdomen could fail to have disastrous effects when inoculated into the human body. As Professor Mclntosh remarked in the Lancet in 1926, "Scientifically it cannot be disputed that from every point of view the injection of virus capable of multiplying in the body of the individual is bad."


Guess what miss Cluless - viral vaccinations use weakened or dead virions. Which by definition - can't multiply.


You need to do a bit of elementary reading to stop making elementary mistakes like this.

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