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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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Also, lets say there were 45 million patients in 1945.


Now at a birth rate of a million a year, which is over the odds that comes to 70 million new, plus the existing 45 million, so a total of 0.135 billion potential patients ever.


...odd definition for a billion.

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not only is the first part completely different, you've missed out the 'decades' entirely.


I quoted your post in its entirety, before I replied so I wasn't being deceitful.


My position hasn't changed, your claim cannot be taken seriously whether or not decades is or isn't in the sentence.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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I quoted your post in its entirety, before I replied so I wasn't being deceitful.



I'm not saying you're being deliberately deceitful. If you genuinely can't see that


the NHS has billions of patients on life-long medication, with illnesses that didn’t need to exist.


Decades of managing symptoms with billions of patients on life-long medication, with illnesses that didn’t need to exist,




are not identical, then there's nothing more I can say :)


As an autistic person I've found sometimes it's best to just give up on trying to decipher the explanations of neurotypicals as to their 'reasoning'. :huh:


---------- Post added 20-02-2016 at 20:43 ----------


Also, lets say there were 45 million patients in 1945.


Now at a birth rate of a million a year, which is over the odds that comes to 70 million new, plus the existing 45 million, so a total of 0.135 billion potential patients ever.


...odd definition for a billion.


You're right, I got the number wrong, so, here's the adjusted quote-



"Decades of managing symptoms with millions of patients on life-long medication, with illnesses that didn’t need to exist,"

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I'm not saying you're being deliberately deceitful. If you genuinely can't see that








are not identical, then there's nothing more I can say :)


As an autistic person I've found sometimes it's best to just give up on trying to decipher the explanations of neurotypicals as to their 'reasoning'. :huh:


---------- Post added 20-02-2016 at 20:43 ----------



You're right, I got the number wrong, so, here's the adjusted quote-



"Decades of managing symptoms with millions of patients on life-long medication, with illnesses that didn’t need to exist,"


I can only apologise for us neuro-typicals, who in your opinion, struggle to explain themselves or their reasoning effectively.


All I was trying to say was that I couldn't take your claim of billions of patients seriously. All you had to do in the beginning was say that you made a mistake, instead of leading me on this merry dance around the houses about how I quoted you.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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Dr. Peter Gotzsche, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration (the world's most foremost body in assessing medical evidence), hopes to make clear this very problem. He is currently working to inform the world about the dangers associated with several pharmaceutical grade drugs. Based on his research, he estimates that 100,000 people in the United States alone die each year from the side-effects of correctly used prescription drugs, noting that "it's remarkable that nobody raises an eyebrow when we kill so many of our own citizens with drugs." He published a paper last year in the Lancet arguing that our use of antidepressants is causing more harm than good, and taking into consideration the recent leaks regarding antidepressant drugs, it seems he is correct.




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I can only apologise for us neuro-typicals, who in your opinion, struggle to explain themselves or their reasoning effectively.


All I was trying to say was that I couldn't take your claim of billions of patients seriously. All you had to do in the beginning was say that you made a mistake, instead of leading me on this merry dance around the houses about how I quoted you.


Again, I can only re-suggest that, in future, just make use of the 'quote' button, then the issue won't arise.

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I did use the quote button? :huh:


I'm not saying you didn't- just pointing out that this-


the NHS has billions of patients on life-long medication, with illnesses that didn’t need to exist.


is clearly not a direct quote of-


Decades of managing symptoms with billions of patients on life-long medication, with illnesses that didn’t need to exist,


The words are different- a direct quote would have 100% identical words


so, if you used the quote button, and, didn't change any of the words, then the quote button must be malfunctioning.


What I'd do, if I suspected the quote button wasn't on the ball, would be to check the quote it produced, and see if it's identical to the text you're wanting to quote- if not, I'd know something is wrong, and, if it is identical, then the jobs a good 'un.


---------- Post added 20-02-2016 at 21:31 ----------


Dr. Peter Gotzsche, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration (the world's most foremost body in assessing medical evidence), hopes to make clear this very problem. He is currently working to inform the world about the dangers associated with several pharmaceutical grade drugs. Based on his research, he estimates that 100,000 people in the United States alone die each year from the side-effects of correctly used prescription drugs, noting that "it's remarkable that nobody raises an eyebrow when we kill so many of our own citizens with drugs." He published a paper last year in the Lancet arguing that our use of antidepressants is causing more harm than good, and taking into consideration the recent leaks regarding antidepressant drugs, it seems he is correct.





Does this dude, given that he "He co-founded, and has written numerous reviews within the Cochrane collaboration" count as being not a conspiracy theorist, and, therefore worthy of respect by the pseudo-rationalist/sceptic camp?


Cos he's wrote a book titled "Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare", from which, by the title alone, it sounds like he's on much the same line as myself when it comes to the state of our national health systems and our medical study systems.


Seems there's growing numbers of experts actually within the systems who are now getting so sick of the corruption that they're making a stand, and, trying to get the info out.



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