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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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I can't give you links to papers- I watch videos, I like to see the person talking, it helps me decide whether I can trust them.


I don't bother noting which videos I've watched, as I know that you guys don't accept videos as evidence.


If you have started accepting videos, let me know, and, in future, I'll note down what I'm watching.


So in other words - you dont have any links or citations.


You dont have any evidence then. It's basically that simple.


---------- Post added 22-02-2016 at 19:57 ----------


The cherry picking is hysterical. There's material for a case study in delusional behaviour right here.


I sadly fear you are correct.

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"Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare"

by Peter Gotzsche


Here's the cover:




I think we tell tell from the title that he has a serious issue with certain drugs and how they're prescribed :)

It looks like it covers the same sort of ground that Ben Goldacre does in the books Bad Science and Bad Phama that people were recommending you read in the Flu jab and viral illness thread.


I'd still recommend you read both.


Nobody is denying that there are problems with the way pharmaceutical companies behave. Efforts are being made to improve the situation - look at the link my my sig.

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It looks like it covers the same sort of ground that Ben Goldacre does in the books Bad Science and Bad Phama that people were recommending you read in the Flu jab and viral illness thread.


I'd still recommend you read both.


Both excellent books for anyone interested in the truth and methodologies around medicine in particular. The chapters on placebo and naturopathy are eye opening.

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Both excellent books for anyone interested in the truth and methodologies around medicine in particular. The chapters on placebo and naturopathy are eye opening.


I agree, it led to develop a much greater understanding of the placebo and the nocebo. It must be noted that you don't have to give people sugar pills to gain the benefits of the placebo effect.

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Nobody is denying that there are problems with the way pharmaceutical companies behave. Efforts are being made to improve the situation - look at the link my my sig.


Given that the pharmaceutical companies behave in such a way that much of what passes as evidence based medicine study results are either distorted or misleading, then yes, I think some here, are denying that some of the problems exist.


Specifically, I think they are denying the problems of financial and political considerations being allowed to influence patients healthcare.


For whatever reasons, I can't see sig links in my browser setup, however, if you just post the link, I'll have a look at it.

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Given that the pharmaceutical companies behave in such a way that much of what passes as evidence based medicine study results are either distorted or misleading, then yes, I think some here, are denying that some of the problems exist.


Specifically, I think they are denying the problems of financial and political considerations being allowed to influence patients healthcare.

You'll be able to quote where someone has denied those issues then.


How do you think the companies promoting alternative medicine fare in comparison? They don't even do clinical trials so we have no real idea about their safety or efficacy (apart from homeopathy which, assuming their production lines aren't contaminated, is just water).


Despite all the problems with conventional medicine, it's currently the best thing we've got.


When Ralph Nader wrote Unsafe at Any Speed people didn't say we should stop driving cars - they lobbied governments to force car manufacturers to design safety features into cars.


The more pressure we can put on governments to get pharmaceutical companies to clean up their act the better off we'll be.


With that in mind:-

For whatever reasons, I can't see sig links in my browser setup, however, if you just post the link, I'll have a look at it.


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Sgtkate.......temporarily escaped from the matrix a week back.....but alas.....thru more 'science' based propaganda that he is drip fed fed by Obelix,Cyclone and other non conspiratorial members he has returned!


NIST is a science based body--- caught lying through their teeth regarding the events of that fateful day.


Therefore other 'science' based organisations are surely capable of doing the same.


Whichever body controls 'science' based evidence sgtkate....has your thoughts and beliefs in their vice like grip.


When i read their BS claims on the merits of vaccination--it's water off a ducks back to me. You sadly are unable to see it for what it is.


Was there not a famous quote about a scientific dictatorship controlling the masses?


His story or history is written by the winners.




“The twenty-first century will be the era of the World Controllers… The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work…most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.” – Aldous Huxley, from his book Brave New World Revisited


At least get my gender right. It's not hard is it? Surely the Kate part might have given you a clue. I simply asked you for some evidence which you've failed to do and are now becoming a tedious and rude bore. I have nothing more to say to you as it's as productive as talking to my cat. In fact, she's more polite and at least tries to provide evidence as to why she needs more food by miaowing at her food bowl.

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How do you think the companies promoting alternative medicine fare in comparison? They don't even do clinical trials so we have no real idea about their safety or efficacy (apart from homeopathy which, assuming their production lines aren't contaminated, is just water).


Despite all the problems with conventional medicine, it's currently the best thing we've got.


When Ralph Nader wrote Unsafe at Any Speed people didn't say we should stop driving cars - they lobbied governments to force car manufacturers to design safety features into cars.


The more pressure we can put on governments to get pharmaceutical companies to clean up their act the better off we'll be.


With that in mind:-




Alltrials- I'm very much in favour of all trial results being freely perusable by everyone.

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Start with the alternative crowd and ask them to actually do some.


Meantime please have your vaccinations if only for everyone else's safety.


Not sure why alternative medicine is being brought into this?


I'm not having any vaccinations. I'm 47, what vaccinations are even on the horizon? (other than the flu jab, which I have no intention of having).

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