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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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The list is a link from the CDC - Centre For Disease Control.


Just look at the list of ingredients in each vaccine.


No wonder there is a disease epidemic going on when you look at all the harmful ingredients in vaccines. And remember - they are being directly injected into the body bypassing all of the body's defence mechanisms.


Use google to research the ingredients you are not familiar with.




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The list is a link from the CDC - Centre For Disease Control.


Just look at the list of ingredients in each vaccine.


No wonder there is a disease epidemic going on when you look at all the harmful ingredients in vaccines. And remember - they are being directly injected into the body bypassing all of the body's defence mechanisms.


Use google to research the ingredients you are not familiar with.






Before anybody considers taking this absolute nonsense seriously, I recommend reading "Bad Science" and "Bad Pharma" by Ben Goldacre. Or possibly just "I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that" by the same author which covers both to some degree.

He used to write for the Guardian, but considering the quality of the writing and the reasoning behind it, I'll let him off.


Pharmaceutical companies are not to be trusted. We must be vigilant to ensure they don't hurt us or rip us off.

Anti-vaccine, alternative medicine and other such Quacks are to be trusted even less.

The Pharmaceutical industry is flawed. The suggestion that we should abandon evidence based medicine because of this is preposterous and extremely dangerous.

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What exactly do you mean by 'flawed' here?


It is flawed in lots of ways but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't use their products because some delusional paranoid anti-vaxxer in Hicktown USA says so on their insane website. Follow the science, appreciate that research isn't always published if unfavourable, respect the health of your neighbours by getting vaccinated, and buy the Ben Goldacre book that lots of us have recommended.

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Follow the science, appreciate that research isn't always published if unfavourable, respect the health of your neighbours by getting vaccinated, and buy the Ben Goldacre book that lots of us have recommended.


If you haven't noticed Eric, we disagree. I don't need your propaganda.


I am interested in having my question answered by the one I'm asking though-


The Pharmaceutical industry is flawed.


as I'm genuinely interested in what he/she means by 'flawed' here.

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If you haven't noticed Eric, we disagree. I don't need your propaganda.


I am interested in having my question answered by the one I'm asking though-




as I'm genuinely interested in what he/she means by 'flawed' here.

Stop hiding behind your alleged autism and try reading before replying. We don't disagree, the pharmaceutical industry is flawed. Go and buy the book for some perspective instead of expecting everyone here to dance around you while you ignore them.

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