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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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If you haven't noticed Eric, we disagree. I don't need your propaganda.


I am interested in having my question answered by the one I'm asking though-




as I'm genuinely interested in what he/she means by 'flawed' here.


I'd imagine that they're flawed like the supermarkets, like the banks, or like the oil companies etc. They are a private company who's responsibility is towards their shareholders.


Let's not forget that it's in their shareholder's interests for the drug companies to provide effective and safe medications at an affordable price, and this is what they do in the majority of times. Let us also not forget that if the drug companies are in a situation where they may lose a decent amount of money, then the lines between right and wrong seem to get blurred.


This is where the government needs to regulate the drug companies much more effectively.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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But no one has claimed that medical industry is above board. I've posted up examples of them - eg the Korean embryos.


Claims however that the entire industry is corrupt, that vaccines have all these nasty effects etc are simple unsubstatinated and in 20 pages or so no one has shown any links otherwise. The best "evidence" is an out of context quote, from a third party source, that fails to even get the credentials of the person being quoted correctly, and whose source is a heavily edited video of dubious provenance.


You've no evidence of anything whatsoever, and you think you have evidence of some worldwide conspiracy. If it wasn't potentially so tragic in terms of lives at stake it'd be funny but it's not.


Here's one,


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No one has ever claimed that all medications are 100% safe, although the risks of not inoculating are far higher than the risks of side effects.


It has to be said also that your link is a great example of sensationalist reporting that fuels the paranoia. For a more balanced outlook read this: http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/features/is-the-h1n1-swine-flu-vaccine-safe

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No one has ever claimed that all medications are 100% safe, although the risks of not inoculating are far higher than the risks of side effects.


It has to be said also that your link is a great example of sensationalist reporting that fuels the paranoia. For a more balanced outlook read this: http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/features/is-the-h1n1-swine-flu-vaccine-safe


I'd sooner rely on my link, the compensation says it all.

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What has that link got to do with your first link? I'm confused what are you trying to suggest, apart from showing us that your ability to google things?


Nothing it's a response to your link, do keep up I know it's not hard to confuse you.


---------- Post added 29-02-2016 at 12:27 ----------


That's not even news. :rolleyes:


Strange how it appeared in a NEWS paper init.

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Nothing it's a response to your link, do keep up I know it's not hard to confuse you.

You seem to have an alternate reality because I need it explaining too. How is compensation for swine flu vaccine reactions related to influenza mutations?


Strange how it appeared in a NEWS paper init.

It's not remotely news that the influenza virus continuously mutates.




I can't decide if you are living under a rock, or a bridge. ;)

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