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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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Not disputing your point, but, that still amounts to children not being allowed into school, and, is therefore enforced vaccination, which you say you are against.


No, I'm very much pro-choice.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander. So I'll support parents who don't want to make the choice to get their children vaccinated, but I'll also support parents who want to send their children to a school where the parents have made the decision to have their children vaccinated.

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No, I'm very much pro-choice.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander. So I'll support parents who don't want to make the choice to get their children vaccinated, but I'll also support parents who want to send their children to a school where the parents have made the decision to have their children vaccinated.

Fair enough- that's a coherent positon.


Actually, if we had schools where only vaccinated children were allowed, and, schools where only un-vaccinated children were allowed, after a few years some very useful stats could be obtained concerning the relative merits of vaccination.


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 14:10 ----------


You're the outlier. If you don't like it, just move to where they have poor vaccination rates and polio outbreaks.


No- I'm good. No kids, therefore vaccinations don't affect me that much (I'm assuming I'll be dead from old age before they start enforcing vaccinations on the adult population as well).

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No- I'm good. No kids, therefore vaccinations don't affect me that much (I'm assuming I'll be dead from old age before they start enforcing vaccinations on the adult population as well).

These aren't children's diseases. You are totally affected by vaccinations.

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Why should unimmunized children be allowed in mainstream school? Why should they have the right to put other children at risk?


Can unimmunised children put immunised children at risk? I though that the vaccine was meant to stop that and that the people at risk were the unimmunised ones.

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Can unimmunised children put immunised children at risk? I though that the vaccine was meant to stop that and that the people at risk were the unimmunised ones.


No, but children who's parents have decided not to get their children immunised can put at risk the children who cannot be immunised for medical reasons.

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Fair enough- that's a coherent positon.


Actually, if we had schools where only vaccinated children were allowed, and, schools where only un-vaccinated children were allowed, after a few years some very useful stats could be obtained concerning the relative merits of vaccination.


Like we don't have that information already. :loopy:

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How is a child being denied access to a school (because, if all schools in the area refuse un-vaccinated children, and, are legally entitled to do so, that child will not be able to go to school) not enforcing vaccinations?


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 13:42 ----------


That's useful.


I love the sceptic movements friendly recruitment tactics :)


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 13:46 ----------



if propaganda is defined- "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view." then I think it is propaganda.



Herd immunity- the backbone of the sceptical movements drive for enforced vaccinations.


I guess more and more of the population are sick of being presumed to be part of 'a herd', or a 'host population'- they're starting to remember that they were once individual human beings, and, could be once again?


I'm not trying to recruit anyone, so I have no desire to pander to idiots and morons and will call them such when I encounter them. If that upsets them then, well they're entitled to an opinion about vaccines and I'm entitled to an opinion about how that demonstrates their intelligence.


You've no idea if it's propaganda or not, because you say yourself that you've failed to investigate the issue before forming your opinion. I try to avoid doing that myself, or if I do it, I accept that new evidence might cause my opinion to change.

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No, but children who's parents have decided not to get their children immunised can put at risk the children who cannot be immunised for medical reasons.


Sorry, slow brain day as I didn't think of that aspect.


BTW does that happen often, I mean not able to take the vaccine for medical reasons.

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