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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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Actually you think you're going to be protected therefore you feel better.

Until that is you catch something nasty and die unnecessarily.


I actually would like you and the other anti-vac folk on here to get it. You've misunderstood the relative value of different kinds of evidence, and you're being conned. You would be better of financially and medically if we were able to convince you of that.


Failing that, say hi to Steve Jobs for me.


You really ARE protected by the placebo effect. It's amazingly powerful (not as powerful as a vaccine, but still amazing).

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What's your issue with Steve Jobs?


I liked him. He died needlessly from cancer because in spite of all the evidence he tried to treat it with quackery and by the time he realised his mistake it was too late.

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What's your issue with Steve Jobs?
He's dead. The poster was being sarky with me, ignore him.


Sad to see that Cyclone thinks it's a laughing matter.


My grandfather had all the right treatment, he's still just as dead as Steve Jobs. :(

Edited by natjack
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Maybe there's a video of it looking yellow on youtube. :hihi:




You can find anything if you look hard enough.


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 12:26 ----------


He's dead. The poster was being sarky with me, ignore him.


Sad to see that Cyclone thinks it's a laughing matter.


He wasn't being sarcastic.


He used 'alternative medicine', ie quackery, instead of actual, real, medicine.

And now he's dead.


It's not funny for him or his family, but that is the outcome of preferring treatment with magic water instead of real cancer killing drugs.


The laughter was at OOD and his lack of general knowledge. He's got a strong opinion about this whole topic, but knows very little about it.


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 12:31 ----------


Any evidence for this?


Quite a lot actually. Ben Goldacre's book (Bad Science) spends a chapter on it. There have been quite a few trials, although more recently it's been difficult to design them in an ethical way.


There were even operations done under placebo anaesthetic, where the patients displayed (and said they felt) no pain.


There was a heart operation for a condition that was discontinued after it was discovered that it was no better than a placebo operation... But the key thing to take from that was that the placebo operation also provided a better outcome for patients than no operation.


It's even been demonstrated that more invasive placebo treatments have a stronger effect than less invasive ones.

Ie 2 pills work better than 1 (sugar pills), the colour of the sugar pills changes the outcome, a saline drip will have more effect than 2 sugar pills, and so on...

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The list of professional people - doctors,paediatricians etc who are on the the record as saying vaccines are harmful is staggering.


One female paediatrician in particular gave testimony to the U.S Gov that she has seen TWO babies die shortly after receiving their shots.


Can these highly qualified people all be wrong?


Eustace Mullins wrote a book called Death by Injection.


Is all the information he presents a lie?


Russell Blaylock - one of the top in his profession - listen to what he has to say on YouTube regarding vaccines.


Rebecca Carley and countless others.

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The list of professional people - doctors,paediatricians etc who are on the the record as saying vaccines are harmful is staggering.


One female paediatrician in particular gave testimony to the U.S Gov that she has seen TWO babies die shortly after receiving their shots.


Can these highly qualified people all be wrong?


Eustace Mullins wrote a book called Death by Injection.


Is all the information he presents a lie?


Russell Blaylock - one of the top in his profession - listen to what he has to say on YouTube regarding vaccines.


Rebecca Carley and countless others.


Yes. They're wrong.

This is why we use evidence based medicine instead of the old authority based medicine. Because experts sometimes get things wrong and anecdotes are misleading.

Anyway. At least some of the people you reference do not hold the opinion that vaccines do more harm than good.

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All three people I mentioned are strongly against vaccination.


So if the experts are anti-vax......we are to dismiss their opinion.


If the experts are pro vax.....we are to trust their opinions and roll up our sleeve?

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