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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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Something like 3 billion has been paid out in the States to the unfortunate victims of these shots.


That's 3 billion with a B not an M.


That's three thousand million----think about that figure for a few minutes!


But the damage they do is minimal right?


Before Smallpox was eradicated by vaccination it was responsible for the deaths of upto half a billion people in the twentieth century alone.


That's half a billion with a B not an M.


To put that into perspective the Holocaust against the Jews killed approximately 6 million people, so try to imagine the pain and suffering cause by half a billion people needlessly dying.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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Something like 3 billion has been paid out in the States to the unfortunate victims of these shots.


That's 3 billion with a B not an M.


That's three thousand million----think about that figure for a few minutes!


But the damage they do is minimal right?


Are you going to answer questions posed to you first?


I can go get the list if you've "forgotten" them.


---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 11:20 ----------


I'd be interested to see that reference MAC33.


She just waves it about like a massive sheild without doing any analysis you know. it MUST BE BAD because y'know, 3 billion.


First it's wrong. The figure is 2.3 billion dollars since 1989.


To just 3110 claimaints.


Thats 800,000 dollars a claim. Including lawyers fees and I suspect that is a large about of each claim. Also remember that the payout is not in accordance with the injury it's in fact how much the lawyer can screw the US govt. for.


But lets look at the claim rate. 3110 claims out of 120 million vaccinated. That's a reaction rate of one in 1.5 million (assuming you get 42 shots over the course of the life)


Or you could have a much higher chance of a serious illness. You know, like 1:1000 chance of injury from measles. Or the excellent 1:50 chance of polio paralysis, or 1:250 chance of death from polio.


Those figures are assuming you get the disease. And in an unvaccinated society you WILL get measles and polio.


So MAC33 wants you to swap a 1 in 1.5 million chance of a vaccine reaction for a much greater, ie a thousand times greater chance of dying from measles, or a four thousand times greater chance of dying from polio, or TWENTY thousand times greater chance of permanant paralysis from polio.


MAC33 doesnt understand science and shouldnt be spouting off such rubbish without knowing what she is doing.

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You don't need organisations to prove a link!


Countless parents who have seen their kids regress to a veggie state after vaccination is good enough evidence for me.


You are right. But you need to be educated enough to understand the proof which you are obviously not.

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Claims are not and never will be proof.


They claim the flu vaccine works--but from experience of talking to people who have had it there is no correlation between having the vax and protection from the flu




Only 30 percent of Congressman have their kids vaccinated.





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3 vaccines in one ...........saves money.

I am convinced that if a child has a genetic tendency to autism then the MMR vaccine will trigger it.


---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 20:27 ----------


The point I am making is that you can't claim that autism ISN'T caused by jabs. There is a blind faith in a lot of medical treatment that isn't necessarily justified. Exact science doesn't exist when it comes to highly complex factors.


Those that know autism (I lived with a severely autistic person for most of my life) know that there are lots of different forms and that it is very likely that what we all shove under the autistic spectrum is indeed subject to a diverse range of factors, dismissing any potential factors is naive until the exact triggers for all the exact forms of autism are demonstrated - this is incredibly difficult because many autists have not got the ability to communicate what they experience appropriately.


As long as we continue to know less about how the brain and consciousness works than we do about the moon we are not going to find out.

At last some sense in a thread that is descending to insults.


Thank goodness someone on here talks some sense

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3 vaccines in one ...........saves money.

I am convinced that if a child has a genetic tendency to autism then the MMR vaccine will trigger it.


Research has searched for such a link and no link was found. As I said on the last page, this research is discussed in this article in the Guardian, and this is what they concluded.


It sought to find out whether children who had older siblings with autism and therefore were at higher risk than most, were more likely to develop an autistic spectrum disorder themselves after having the MMR jab. They found no association between the jab and autism, even among the high-risk children, and regardless of whether they had just the first shot, under the age of two, or the booster as well at around the age of five.
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Do these two stories amount to evidence that vaccines cause autism?



First one i heard some years ago from my best friend.


He was sent to some job club. After a few weeks he got on talking terms with the male teacher.


After one particular class ended they were having a conversation about something and autism got brought up.


The teacher mentioned he has THREE autistic kids.


My friend was not going to bring up vaccines-- he said to me he does not have the heart. Anyway the teacher brought up vaccination as the probable cause.


Every one of his first three kids regressed directly after having their shots.


The fourth kid he had,he did not vaccinate and the kid was fine.




The second story I heard from a friend of the above friend.


He (Matt) was out walking his dog and met another woman who was also walking her dog. She had an autistic kid with her.


They chatted for a while and Matt brought up vaccination being the likely cause.....her response was my baby was perfectly normal till I had her vaccinated.


Now the above two cases might not be considered as evidence for some,but to me its strong evidence that vaccines can cuse serious harm including autism.



By 2010 over 3 billion has been paid out.



Edited by MAC33
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Oh dear.


I had no idea that there would actually be people on this thread who believed in this link. It's quite depressing really.


It's not that hard to test. Take a large group of children. Give half the MMR and not the other half.

Are there significantly* more autistic children in the MMR vaccinated half? No. Well then there's no link. That's it. Done.


Many such studies have been performed. The original study which suggested a link was anecdotal and therefore inherently unreliable and has been overruled by much larger and more statistically valid studies.


Anecdotal evidence from "some chap you ran into with 4 kids" is so insanely weak I don't even know where to start.

Autistic children often appear perfectly normal for the first couple of years anyway. The fact that symptoms of autism and the MMR vaccine occur at about the same age means nothing.


Everybody who's still worried about this, go read a book on statistics and then come back and say sorry.


*There's maths behind the "significantly". For a given sample size, one can assign confidence levels to the results. It's not subjective.

Edited by unbeliever
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