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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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You haven't. You have shown us NOTHING at all. Not one iota or what you have come up with is even anecdotal of the medical system being riddled with corruption.



Dr. Peter Gotzsche?- the dude from the Danish Cochrane foundation who has an issue with endemic corruption on the part of the pharmaceutical industry.


Would have thought he'd constitute anecdotal at least?


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 15:08 ----------


Now for the sake of everyones sanity please, either put up or shut up.


Your sanity is your business dude- you deal with it.


If your sanity gets threatened by talking to someone who just plain disagrees with you, then maybe your sanity is less stable than you assume.

Edited by onewheeldave
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Dr. Peter Gotzsche?- the dude from the Danish Cochrane foundation who has an issue with endemic corruption on the part of the pharmaceutical industry.


Would have thought he's constitute anecdotal at least?


Judging you by your posts here on SF, it doesn't seem that logic is your strong point, but this isn't evidence that substantiates your claim. It's a bit like doing 1+1=the moon's made of cheese.


No one has denied that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't have it's problems, but then so it seems does every other big industrial sector. Look at the banks, VW, the supermarkets, oil.......................

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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Dr. Peter Gotzsche?- the dude from the Danish Cochrane foundation who has an issue with endemic corruption on the part of the pharmaceutical industry.






Where is the evidence? Come on lets have it? You are doing your usual trick just spouting off crud at random like it's some sort of magic shield.


I pointed out WEEKS ago that Cochranes report says nothing about corruption. Not one thing. You keep raising it becaue you think it does, because you want him on that wall, you need him on that wall... but he's not there because he never EVER said that.


It'd be funny if it wasnt so sad that you actually geniunely beleive he's supporting your case when the truth is hes so far from your position on this you'd need a telescope and atlas of the galaxy to see his position.


Cochrane does NOT support what you say. Stop libelling him.

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Where is the evidence? Come on lets have it? You are doing your usual trick just spouting off crud at random like it's some sort of magic shield.


I pointed out WEEKS ago that Cochranes report says nothing about corruption. Not one thing. You keep raising it becaue you think it does, because you want him on that wall, you need him on that wall... but he's not there because he never EVER said that.


It'd be funny if it wasnt so sad that you actually geniunely beleive he's supporting your case when the truth is hes so far from your position on this you'd need a telescope and atlas of the galaxy to see his position.


Cochrane does NOT support what you say. Stop libelling him.




Obelix refuses to watch this video, cos it's on youtube, but, to anyone interested in what Dr. Peter Gotzsche is actually saying, here's him saying it, very clearly and concisely-



he's not saying the pharma industry 'has some issues', but, that it's corrupt to the point of criminality, and people are dying as a direct result of that corrupting influence on studies.


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 15:55 ----------



No one has denied that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't have it's problems, but then so it seems does every other big industrial sector. Look at the banks, VW, the supermarkets, oil.......................


That's OK then. The pharma industry being rotten to the core is actually fine, cos banks etc are also corrupt :loopy:


Well done Mr Logic :clap:


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 15:58 ----------






Where is the evidence? Come on lets have it? You are doing your usual trick just spouting off crud at random like it's some sort of magic shield.


I pointed out WEEKS ago that Cochranes report says nothing about corruption. Not one thing. You keep raising it becaue you think it does, because you want him on that wall, you need him on that wall... but he's not there because he never EVER said that.


It'd be funny if it wasnt so sad that you actually geniunely beleive he's supporting your case when the truth is hes so far from your position on this you'd need a telescope and atlas of the galaxy to see his position.


Cochrane does NOT support what you say. Stop libelling him.


Cochrane isn't a person, it's an organisation. At the Danish branch of which works Dr Peter Gøtzsche, who is saying that the pharmas are criminally corrupt.



I have no reason to think, or care, what the Cochrane Foundation thinks on the matter.

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That's OK then. The pharma industry being rotten to the core is actually fine, cos banks etc are also corrupt :loopy:


Well done Mr Logic :clap:


You're being illogical. I never made such a claim about either things, so maybe you could start by responding to what I do say, not what you believe I said?


I never said it was rotten to the core, I said it had a few problems like any other big industry that strives to maintain their profits. This is where we dip our toes into "your world". You then go on to deduce that someone on Youtube gossiping about these problems must surely be irrefutable evidence of the evil of "big pharma".

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Obelix refuses to watch this video, cos it's on youtube,


You lie. I've watched the video, as well you know and it doesnt support your position. Stop being deceitful


Dr Peter Gøtzsche, who is saying that the pharmas are criminally corrupt.


No he doesn't. You have been told this before repeatedly by myself and others and it's been explained at length. Why do you persist in this lie?

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I never said it was rotten to the core, I said it had a few problems like any other big industry that strives to maintain their profits. This is where we dip our toes into "your world". You then go on to deduce that someone on Youtube gossiping about these problems must surely be irrefutable evidence of the evil of "big pharma".


Like I've been saying for quite some time- I disagree with that the pharma industry has 'a few problems'. Pharma is rotten to the core.

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Like I've been saying for quite some time- I disagree with that the pharma industry has 'a few problems'. Pharma is rotten to the core.


What about all the benefits that it has given to people over the years?

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You lie. I've watched the video, as well you know and it doesnt support your position. Stop being deceitful




No he doesn't. You have been told this before repeatedly by myself and others and it's been explained at length. Why do you persist in this lie?


Here's a transcript of what he says from 1:07-1:27 in the video (his own words):


"much of what the drug industry does, fulfills the criteria for organised crime in US law. And they behave in many ways, like the mafia does. They corrupt everyone they can corrupt... they have bought every type of person, including ministers of health in some countries." Dr. Peter Gotzsche (co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration)"


Clearly Dr Peter Gøtzsche is here saying that the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt, to the point that he believes they "fulfill(s) the criteria for organised crime in US law".


Given you've "watched the video", how are you interpreting 1:07-1:27 as him saying otherwise?!



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Like I've been saying for quite some time- I disagree with that the pharma industry has 'a few problems'. Pharma is rotten to the core.


I've worked with some of the most prominent members of the Life Sciences community in the country, men and women from places like AZ and Covance; I can assure you they don't stand in their white coats going 'MUHAHAHA AREN'T WE EVIL'.


You've never been in a lab. You are doing a total disservice to the hard working people up and down the country who have devoted their lives to science, by listening to crack pot theories and professional wasters like those who protest outside HLS when the weather is nice and the cameras are out.

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