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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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I think we are going in circles here.


FWIW the people in labs are not just donkeys inputting numbers like your example of bank checkout workers. A large percentage of people in pharma work in labs, or have done earlier in their careers, from people who prep working areas to study directors. Everything is double checked, right to the highest level. Raw data and data integrity and security is a sacred concept. Pharma is one of the most regulated and reviewed industries in the world. The FDA in the US reviews studies line by line and has the power to ask for evidence down to the sample level (samples btw are kept frozen for years) as can other regulatory bodies. In the UK the NHS carries out further reviews and studies to collaborate the data.


If studies had taken place during the development of the tri vaccine that proved it caused autism, or if studies had taken place since that proved it, we would know. The world would know. Someone in the R&D and worldwide release process would have proved it, especially by now, years after the original claims were made.


I understand why this subject is important to you, but you are way off. 2+2 doesn't equal five.

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The revolution in our healthcare has been driven by the pharmaceutical industry. Do you think that the new drug treatments fall out of the sky?


What is the 'revolution'. We're the most technologically advanced civilisation ever, and obesity, diabetes, CHD and cancer are at epidemic levels.


Third world peasants, if they're not starving, or oppressed, and, have got access to clean water, have way better health, live longer active lives, and are not subject to epidemic levels of obesity, diabetes, CHD and cancer.

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What OWD doesnt realise is there are a fair number of people on here that have actually done such research and know how it works.


Trouble is you get people like OWD who are quite happy to throw his bile and hatred about and undermine all the work that's done. Easy being a keyboard warrior. I'd offer to meet and show him how it works but he'd never take me up on it.


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 18:54 ----------


What is the 'revolution'. We're the most technologically advanced civilisation ever, and obesity, diabetes, CHD and cancer are at epidemic levels.


Third world peasants, if they're not starving, or oppressed, and, have got access to clean water, have way better health, live longer active lives, and are not subject to epidemic levels of obesity, diabetes, CHD and cancer.


You dont have the first clue do you. You going to back up your claims?


No, of course not. Silly me. It's not possible to backup those claims above.

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Wheres your apology?


Come on lets have it? Or are you too afraid, or too secure behind your keyboard to apologise? It's easy being a keyboard warrior rather than am man isnt it.


You ain't getting an apology.


Sorry I'm not "am man" enough for you :)


I guess I'll have to put a bit more work in on the old kettlebells tonight :)

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What is the 'revolution'. We're the most technologically advanced civilisation ever, and obesity, diabetes, CHD and cancer are at epidemic levels.



because we eat too much and dont exercise enough


Third world peasants, if they're not starving, or oppressed, and, have got access to clean water, have way better health, live longer active lives, and are not subject to epidemic levels of obesity, diabetes, CHD and cancer.


because they generally don't eat as much a we do and exercise more than we do

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I think we are going in circles here.


FWIW the people in labs are not just donkeys inputting numbers like your example of bank checkout workers. A large percentage of people in pharma work in labs, or have done earlier in their careers, from people who prep working areas to study directors. Everything is double checked, right to the highest level. Raw data and data integrity and security is a sacred concept. Pharma is one of the most regulated and reviewed industries in the world. The FDA in the US reviews studies line by line and has the power to ask for evidence down to the sample level (samples btw are kept frozen for years) as can other regulatory bodies. In the UK the NHS carries out further reviews and studies to collaborate the data.


If studies had taken place during the development of the tri vaccine that proved it caused autism, or if studies had taken place since that proved it, we would know. The world would know. Someone in the R&D and worldwide release process would have proved it, especially by now, years after the original claims were made.


I understand why this subject is important to you, but you are way off. 2+2 doesn't equal five.


Some workers are trying to expose the corruption. Dr Peter Gøtzsche is clearly one of them-



The CDC whistleblower and numerous other whistleblowers are clearly trying to get attention to where it needs to be.


Thing is, it's generally career suicide to speak out.


On the whole though, such people are very much the exception- most workers either don't see the 'bigger picture', or, if they are troubled, put their heads down and get on with doing the job that pays for their families home, food, healthcare and education.

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because we eat too much and dont exercise enough




because they generally don't eat as much a we do and exercise more than we do


No forgetting that if you live longer, you will end up with cancer, CHD etc as a killer, rather than dying in the fields or from infection.


But of course OWD doesnt realise this as he has a closed mind.

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As I thought. You've no honour or morals.


Is this person real? :lol:


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 19:04 ----------


No forgetting that if you live longer, you will end up with cancer, CHD etc as a killer, rather than dying in the fields or from infection.


But of course OWD doesnt realise this as he has a closed mind.


DUH! That never occured to me. I'm such a thicko :(

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