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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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Look,my dad is deep in the matrix.


He sits and watches what they tell him on the corporate box - and actually believes their BS!


Now 'their' is the key word here.


What we have going on is corporate fascism.


Big pharma drugs and vaccines all given the approval by their mates in parliament.


Look at the number of people in Gov who have taken up employment in big pharma.


Coincidence or con - you tell me

Edited by MAC33
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It's clear that there are many things that are not your strong point.


Are you going to debate the issue or talk tripe about red diesel?


Yes, there are many, many things that aren't my strong points: I think that applies to everyone, yes?


However, while cars and red diesel aren't strong points for me, health, nutrition and corruption in healthcare systems, very much are.

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Big phsrma makes sure that cant happen! (PROOF) as it may hamper thier $$$$$$ scamming ways!!

How do they do that then? Even if they suppress their own studies into the safety of a vaccine, once it starts being given to people any safety issues will soon become apparent.

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