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Anti-vaccine attitudes based on that false claim still exist

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i've been vaccinated against all sorts of things and never had an adverse reaction....


---------- Post added 07-05-2016 at 14:07 ----------


i'm also from the end of the era where all these funny little diseases which no one gets anymore (because of vaccination) had, in some cases, life ending and life changing consequences for the children who caught them.


no doubt there are people who have bad reactions to vaccines, there are people who have bad reactions to any medicines and non-medicines like nuts and stuff. as sad as these cases are, its not a reason to ban vaccination any more than nut allergies are a reason to stop making cadbury's fruit and nut.

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Also, up to 50 kids died recently in Syria after taking the measles shot.




I'm not sure 20 months ago counts as "recently" but anyway.


Al Jazeera reports that the children were given a muscle relaxant by mistake.

The UN has admitted 15 Syrian children died after an NGO partner mistakenly gave them the wrong drug during a measles vaccination programme.


Stephane Dujarric, a spokesman for the UN secretary general, said on Wednesday that a muscle relaxant was given to the children and babies mid-September in rebel-held parts of northwest Syria.


"What happened with the vaccines was a real tragedy, but it was basic human error,'' Dujarric said.


A report by the World Health Organisation last month said the relaxant was kept in the same refridgerator as a substance used to dilute the measles vaccine. It said the exact person or group responsible for the laboratory was not known.


So, terrible as this incident was, it wasn't the measles vaccine that was responsible for it.

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http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com/Midwives-And-Health-Professionals-Against-Vaccination shows the following


GP Jayne Donegan


LONDON doctor Jayne Donegan, 42, has gone from being an enthusiastic supporter of the vaccination programme to a GP who will no longer vaccinate at all. Dr Donegan has two children, Antonia, seven, and Pandora, nine. She says:


"Last year a newsletter produced by the Committee on Safety of Medicines and the Medicines Control Agency was sent to all GPs and hospitals. It said that an independent committee had reviewed all the available evidence on whether the MMR jab is linked to autism and Crohn’s disease.


‘They concluded that it was impossible to PROVE OR REFUTE the suggested associations between MMR vaccine and autism or inflammatory bowel disease — and went on to say that the information available did not support or give cause for concern about the safety of the MMR vaccine.


See also Jabs and junk science http://www.theguardian.com/society/2004/sep/08/familyandrelationships.lifeandhealth

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I went a few years ago to a doctor to get my ear syringed due to the build up of wax.


I asked the female doctor aged around 50 if she was aware of ANY of the ingredients in vaccines - I was met with a blank stare.


This is the rule rather than the exception.


They have been taught to parrot the 'truth' and to NEVER question it.


They have been taught well.




Edited by MAC33
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You've never been near a medical school have you. And never had any time to talk to a doctor outside the seven minute consultation that they have allotted for your appointment.

She probably took one look at you and decided to play dumb rather than waste her time trying to explain.

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Never ceases to amaze me how far the masses will go to rationalise their blissful reality.


Yes - she knew all those horror ingredients in vaccines such as


aluminium,mercury,formaldehyde etc.

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