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Child Mental Health Crisis.

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And those people claim you can treat pancreas cancer with vegan diet.

Those people claimed that massage can cure all sorts.

But then those people said it's load of blcks. And they seem to be regulators for those mentioned above.

I'll stick with mainstream medicine and scientific method, thank you.

Fact is we don't know what causes it. Chemical imbalance is outcome of something deeper. Mental disorder is just final manifestation, like blisters with syphilis.

So we don't know root cause, just treat symptoms.

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We all have small pieces of personality disorders, so we can all relate to mental health. Unfortunately mental health is still a taboo subject.


Mental health month is May 2016.


I think the taboos are slowly breaking down. Logically we know that we have good mental health, like good physical health.

Though I do get a sense that some people can understand depression and anxiety as extreme forms of everyday feelings, enduring conditions like schizophrenia or personality disorders are more stigmatised.

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1 in 10 schoolchildren have mental health problems. That's a huge number. 75% of children in care, and an incredible 90% of children in detention, have serious mental health problems.


Mental health Services are overwhelmed and are unable to cope. Mental health really is the Cinderella of the Health Service, and needs massive investment which it is not getting, in fact Mental Health budgets have been cut to the bone.


Waiting lists are long, and people are having to travel from one end of the country to the other to get help. Placing children in hospitals far away from home is exacerbating the problems. Unfortunately, not getting help in the early stages of mental illness can lead to much more serious mental health problems later, in adulthood.

(ITV lunchtime news. 08.02.16)

Cameron of course, talks the talk, but nothing actually happens, the situation is actually getting worse on a daily basis.

What can we do, as parents, grandparents, friends etc. to help ease the situation for our young people?


I don't even begin to understand the problem but the numbers being talked about recently do suggest that there are improvements to be made, especially in institutions. Give Cameron a chance Anna. He only announced it as a government priority this year. The Lib Dems have been talking about it for longer. Labour apparently didn't do much in their last term. It shouldn't be a political issue, it's just something that needs attention as soon as possible.

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Makes you wonder what the causes are, if its getting worse. Women are no longer force to stay in a unhappy/violent relationship. Perhaps mental health issues start earlier?


It's not getting worse. Our understanding is getting better.

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It's not getting worse. Our understanding is getting better.


Sorry, but I disagree. Our inderstanding may be getting better, but Children generally seem unhappier all round. They have a lot of pressures that I never had, and are much more worried about the future.

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They have a lot of pressures that I never had, and are much more worried about the future.


They have too many choices, sometimes they choose wrong. They choose to go every where in the car, instead of walking, as a child, I had no choice.

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Sorry, but I disagree. Our inderstanding may be getting better, but Children generally seem unhappier all round. They have a lot of pressures that I never had, and are much more worried about the future.


Is there somes empirical evidence for this that you can point us to?

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Sorry, but I disagree. Our inderstanding may be getting better, but Children generally seem unhappier all round. They have a lot of pressures that I never had, and are much more worried about the future.


Is it just possible that you are suffering from depression? That makes you see doom and gloom all around.

Child labour is past, welfare is certainly better. Education might be worst in Europe, still better than before. Children never had it better.

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