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Well off council tenants must pay market rent

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But they will just rent in the private sector and claim housing benefit to pay the private landlord's high rents!


Do people at those income levels get housing benefit? Honest question because I've no idea, but if asked I would say they don't.

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But they will just rent in the private sector and claim housing benefit to pay the private landlord's high rents!


But they can't as housing benefit is restricted and the people they are targeting earn just to much to claim housing benefit in all but edge cases. Initially I struggled to see what was wrong with this, until I saw that the £30k per annum I thought was per person is actually per household, so someone earning just £15k a year would be forced into paying full rent...a bit torn here. I do think that as we have a massive shortage of council properties that we should give to the most needy first (and we do in general) but equally there will be many people doing critical work (police, fireman, nurses, teachers etc) that would potentially fall foul of this policy. Not sure I want a society split by 'job type' either.


So after that pontificating, I'm still not sure whether I agree or not! Best outcome if to have considerable more council housing and then this wouldn't be an issue but I'm not a total dreamer...

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Do people at those income levels get housing benefit? Honest question because I've no idea, but if asked I would say they don't.


Scenario could mean each person earns £20k each.

Family household of £40k in London means lose council house or pay equivalent of market rent for same number of bedroom property.


That means couple earning £20k each before tax.

By the time all bills are paid and children looked after, not much change out of that.

Private rents in London are extortionate compared to Sheffield, which is why people get more housing benefit, £400 a week HB for 4 bed room accomodation.

Edited by poppet2
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So after that pontificating, I'm still not sure whether I agree or not! Best outcome if to have considerable more council housing and then this wouldn't be an issue but I'm not a total dreamer...


If richer people like their house/area, they will not pay a higher rent, they will just buy it.

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