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Well off council tenants must pay market rent

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But then a lot of specialists sits on their bums until something goes bad. It's cheaper to pay them for doing nothing then pay them as subcontractors. So not entirely undoable.


Oh agreed :) And it's been shown that roles with job sharers are more efficient than those without, same as part time workers. Often people stretch their work out to fill the time, I mean I'm at work now yet here I am on SF, so point proven really. If I went part time I could probably do the core of my job in 4 days a week saving my company 20% for the same work output. Hey I'm being honest here! However, they also need me to be available almost 24/7 if something really breaks, so it's all give and take, and how it should be whenever possible.

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I haven't actually seen the details, have you got a link?


---------- Post added 11-02-2016 at 14:29 ----------



If you've just tipped over the 30k mark and want to reduce your hours, then going job share to 50% is a rather dramatic reduction...

You now get 15k, but save £200 a month on your rent.

Overall you've lost out hugely and reduced the chance of further improvements in your pay.


In the budget apparently.



The new thing I learned was no taper. 1p over £30k and you are liable.

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Probably cost more to implement than it's ever going to save!


Its like the bedroom tax. Its ideological and sounds good to the electorate. I hadnt realised the amounts had been set so low though. Think its a bit rich to make a fuss over this and the value if social housing, whilst devoting great effort to selling huge chunks of it off.

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