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Would a dedicated cycle road network (bikes only), work in the UK?

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Blah blah

You know nothing about statistics or analysis do you.


Half. Thanks, you're pretty much proving my point. (You'll note that your colleagues are not a cross section of the population either).


Your conclusions are not supported by any evidence.


You apparently don't understand collecting samples or analysing data, you don't understand what a skewed dataset is, or why it would be dangerous to draw conclusions from it.

Being a regular users of Strava myself, it's likely that I understand it better than you.


You're wrong, you're going to stay wrong and your arrogance means that you won't even learn from the experience, which is how it normally goes.


Tell you what, why don't you put me on ignore, since you can't manage to hold a civil discussion and always resort to ad hom tactics when I point out the inadequacies in your reasoning.


---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 09:23 ----------


Very low numbers at the moment Eric




But if these are at all representative then it's clear that Strava is not.

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This discussion seems to say that leisure cyclist (racing ,touring) like to record their data.

Commuters will know the time and distance to work and therefore have no need to record it.

Cyclone seems to me to have the best understanding of the issue.

None of the four cyclist at my work use any data logging.

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This discussion seems to say that leisure cyclist (racing ,touring) like to record their data.

Commuters will know the time and distance to work and therefore have no need to record it.

Cyclone seems to me to have the best understanding of the issue.

None of the four cyclist at my work use any data logging.


Wouldn't the leisure cyclist also commute on their bike?

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This discussion seems to say that leisure cyclist (racing ,touring) like to record their data.

Commuters will know the time and distance to work and therefore have no need to record it.

Cyclone seems to me to have the best understanding of the issue.

None of the four cyclist at my work use any data logging.


Not really Thorpist. The discussion from my point of view is about cycle infrastructure and why more people don't use it and would more work.


We know that the best available dataset of bike use is from Strava and that generally correlates with personal experience locally. We've found out that the best cycled network is on the east of Sheffield but the most cycle use is on the west. Hills aren't preventing people from cycling so something else seems to be going on, possibly to do with social issues and perceptions of danger from motorists, maybe because of wider faster roads in the east compared to narrower slower roads in the west.


I have a feeling that more dedicated infrastructure could work along the lines of a next generation London Superhighway, using the information learned about the pros and cons of it. A fancy cycle lane going from nowhere via nowhere to nowhere isn't going to be of much interest to people with a destination purpose like commuters, shoppers or schools. I would be interested to see a proposal for something a bit more joined up.


Cyclone doesn't have a handle on it, he just got some obsession to pick holes in why Strava isn't perfect when nobody says that it is or cares if it isn't.

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Wouldn't the leisure cyclist also commute on their bike?


That entirely depends doesn't it.


Not if they have to drop the kids at school.

Not if they have to carry kit.

Not if they have to go and visit customers during the day.

Not if there are no changing facilities or bike lock up.

Not if the distance is too great.

Not if the route is down the M1.

Not if they are calling at Tesco on the way home.


And even if they DO commute (because many will, if they can), they often won't log it and so the strava heat map doesn't record the commuting usage, instead it only records their weekend jaunts out into the peaks.


Eric keeps saying "best available data set", he might even be right that it is the best. It's still massively flawed and not fit for the purpose of looking at cycling behaviour beyond that of a self selecting cohort of cycling enthusiasts and their weekend riding. The fact that he admits he doesn't care that it's flawed is key. He doesn't understand why making decision based on flawed data would be a mistake. He's convinced that Strava has shown him the truth and that there is less cycling on the East of the city. I'm convinced that there is an entirely different explanation, down to who records their cycling and what they are doing on those trips. He doesn't care though that it might be wrong, he said so.

Edited by Cyclone
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That entirely depends doesn't it.


Not if they have to drop the kids at school.

Not if they have to carry kit.

Not if they have to go and visit customers during the day.

Not if there are no changing facilities or bike lock up.

Not if the distance is too great.

Not if the route is down the M1.

Not if they are calling at Tesco on the way home.


And even if they DO commute (because many will, if they can), they often won't log it and so the strava heat map doesn't record the commuting usage, instead it only records their weekend jaunts out into the peaks.


Eric keeps saying "best available data set", he might even be right that it is the best. It's still massively flawed and not fit for the purpose of looking at cycling behaviour beyond that of a self selecting cohort of cycling enthusiasts and their weekend riding. The fact that he admits he doesn't care that it's flawed is key. He doesn't understand why making decision based on flawed data would be a mistake. He's convinced that Strava has shown him the truth and that there is less cycling on the East of the city. I'm convinced that there is an entirely different explanation, down to who records their cycling and what they are doing on those trips. He doesn't care though that it might be wrong, he said so.


Ok, so why do you believe that people who log their leisure rides with Strava not bother for their commute?

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