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Would a dedicated cycle road network (bikes only), work in the UK?

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Amazingly Eric, it's impossible for me to argue with myself. So it's your obsession that's spoiling things, why can't you just accept that the dataset isn't a good one?


---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 16:16 ----------


Ok, so why do you believe that people who log their leisure rides with Strava not bother for their commute?


Did you read the thread? I think that's answered already, try post #38.


---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 16:17 ----------


It tells you everything about cyclists of all types because Strava is the world's best and most reliable dataset for assessing cycle journeys and it is used by local and national governments for their transport infrastructure planning.


Just thought this was worth repeating.


You think that the data set "tells you everything about cyclists"... You've no concept of how to capture unbiased data or why a self selecting dataset would be skewed.

Edited by Cyclone
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I don't think it's been explained as to why someone who records their leisure rides wouldn't record their cycle commute?


I can answer for myself if that helps you. My reasons won't apply to everyone of course.


I'm not trying to set a record when commuting to work.

I'm not interested in how fast I go because I'm not cycling hard.

There are many traffic lights, so the time I take is largely determined by them.

I use a commuter bike.

If I had a cycling computer (I don't) then it would be attached to my non-commuting bike.


I'm not claiming that commutes will never be logged. Just that they will be under represented amongst those who do use strava. And that the set of those who use strava is itself not a cross section of cyclists, but is self selecting towards those who are interested in performance.

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I don't think it's been explained as to why someone who records their leisure rides wouldn't record their cycle commute?


One reason is for security...using Strava on your commutes sets up a pattern of predictive behaviour which you might not want to be in the public domain (and yes, I know the GPS settings can be set so that your home address can't be located). Of the cyclists I know who ride both for leisure and commuting (about 20), only 2 record their commutes on Strava.

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I can answer for myself if that helps you. My reasons won't apply to everyone of course.


I'm not trying to set a record when commuting to work.

I'm not interested in how fast I go because I'm not cycling hard.

There are many traffic lights, so the time I take is largely determined by them.

I use a commuter bike.

If I had a cycling computer (I don't) then it would be attached to my non-commuting bike.


I'm not claiming that commutes will never be logged. Just that they will be under represented amongst those who do use strava. And that the set of those who use strava is itself not a cross section of cyclists, but is self selecting towards those who are interested in performance.


Do you do much cycling for leisure and record those rides though?


I do both and I do record my commute, as does everyone else I know who has a cycle computer.


I'm not that interested timing of the commute, because as you said all you end up doing is is recording how much congestion there's been, although early morning and night rides can be fun trying to do a good time overall. I'm more interested in the segments though, mainly the hill segments, so I can look at the numbers related to how I'm climbing.


Recording the time of the ride is one function of your cycle computer, it also tells you your cadence, your speed and your heart rate, if you're you interested. I love my cadence monitor, so more often then not you ride to your preferred cadence and use the gears to maintain it. It's also nice to be able to have an easily viewable speedometer.


The cycle computer is also really easy to move between bikes, once you have both bikes set up it takes seconds.

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Not a huge amount, but some.


We have various anecdotal accounts now, some people say they do record it (you, and friends) others say they don't.


I don't need to prove that nobody records it. The fact is that strava users are a self selecting demographic, and some of that demographic further selects what type of cycling they record. The dataset is heavily biased and not at all representative. Which was the only point I was making.

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Eric keeps saying "best available data set", he might even be right that it is the best. It's still massively flawed and not fit for the purpose of looking at cycling behaviour beyond that of a self selecting cohort of cycling enthusiasts and their weekend riding. The fact that he admits he doesn't care that it's flawed is key. He doesn't understand why making decision based on flawed data would be a mistake. He's convinced that Strava has shown him the truth and that there is less cycling on the East of the city. I'm convinced that there is an entirely different explanation, down to who records their cycling and what they are doing on those trips. He doesn't care though that it might be wrong, he said so.

yes, my view too


---------- Post added 11-02-2016 at 11:53 ----------


The fact is that strava users are a self selecting demographic, and some of that demographic further selects what type of cycling they record. The dataset is heavily biased and not at all representative. Which was the only point I was making.

yep indeed

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