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Would I know my way around today


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By the way, Canadian cities like Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver always used to have a good reputation. I don't know if thjey still do.


Hi Buck,




Too much violence in Canadian cities these days, both on the streets and in the schools. Guns and some knives on the streets, mainly knives in the schools.


Montreal is a little quieter since the Biker wars of the early 90's. When that was over, 165 people were dead. Some of these were innocent bystanders, including children. (Oh yes! In Montreal, the bikers used explosives as well.)


Last year, Toronto (pop. 2.8 million) had 78 murders, approx. 60% of these being shootings. Most were gang related. Things like: Drug deals gone wrong, turf wars, etc. Again, innocent people get caught in the cross fire.


Vancouver doesn't seem to be quite as bad.


This kind of violence only used to be a problem in the large cities but now it is filtering down to the smaller communities.


Sound familiar?



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  • 4 years later...

Get yourself back for a visit ,like others have said do it on foot as if youve not been here for a while the traffic routes can be confusing but for anyone with half a brain and an ability to actually read direction signs you can still get around by car.

Hate it when people slag it off ,seems to me some of them want to try living in some of the other cities in the UK and they will soon realise that Sheffield is a little gem compared to some .


The city centre has had many new buildings over the last 20 years or so and the walk up from the railway sation to the peace gardens is a pleasure


Ok it has its share of low lifes but no worse and certainly better than some places (see Falls post on Canadian cities which certainly surprised me )


So yes ,come and have a look but dont come wearing the blinkers that some of the moaning sos and so`s who post on here seem to have on all the time ,and before anyone says it I dont wear rose tinted glasses ,its just that ive worked and visited a lot of places and Sheffield is IMHO as good as if not better than most

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