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Is There A Place For Feminism In The Modern World?

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I was browsing YouTube the other night, watching music videos and top 10 lists when suggested videos about feminism and, in particular, feminist 'fails', came up. So I watched a few.


I've learned over time to take things with a pinch of salt, but some of it did seem enlightening. There seems to be a new-ish kind of feminism rising where women associated with it are basically taking offence at everything. Apparently there was a campain in America to prohibit use of the word 'Bossy' because it stopped females in employment wanting to progress higher as they didn't want to be seen under that banner.


Then, there's the story where a customer in a bar complimented the barmaid (again, in America) and she took offence because it was seen as aggressive male attention. There are numerous other stories which seem to all come down on a the side of man-hating and not so much empowerment, but becoming what they hate, in effect.


So, my question is, with things becoming more and more equal and laws coming in to play to stop sexual discrimination, is there a need for this kind of feminism?

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There is never a need for the kind of feminism in the examples in your OP. They aren't feminists, just people looking for someone to blame. However, yes I think there is still a need for 'real' feminism, the kind that tries to promote male rights as well as female ones as sadly we still have a terrible gender imbalance that stops a lot of men from spending more time with their children that they would want to and also stops woman having equal pay in the same job as men. It's 2 sides of the same coin.


I've said on another thread, if you need to push a man down to lift a woman up then that's the wrong kinda feminism.

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3rd wave feminism is not about equal rights. Its about conquest of the male species. Some of these loons will not be happy until men are only found as exhibits in museums. Relegated to the history books.

There are lots of genuine feminists out there who are horrified by this new wave of anti male sentiment and despite being feminists the raving loony ones will still turn on one of their own if they arent signing from the extremist song sheet.


For a light hearted but factual look at these people go onto Youtube and type 'This week in stupid' by (i think) Sargon of Akkad

Hes an intelligent bloke with some good things to say on this and other subjects.

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Feminism, not unlike Labour, have been infiltrated by "haters" and do nothing for their cause when they support inequality to address inequality (Feminist, not Labour supporters). Many are just the kinds of people who like to hear their own voice.


Equal rights activists, who only wish for equality between the sexes deserve support.

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3rd wave feminism is not about equal rights. Its about conquest of the male species. Some of these loons will not be happy until men are only found as exhibits in museums. Relegated to the history books.

There are lots of genuine feminists out there who are horrified by this new wave of anti male sentiment and despite being feminists the raving loony ones will still turn on one of their own if they arent signing from the extremist song sheet.


Hello! There's one of those you speak of here...they aren't feminists in the same way ISIS aren't seeking equal rights for Muslims.

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I was browsing YouTube the other night, watching music videos and top 10 lists when suggested videos about feminism and, in particular, feminist 'fails', came up. So I watched a few.


I've learned over time to take things with a pinch of salt, but some of it did seem enlightening. There seems to be a new-ish kind of feminism rising where women associated with it are basically taking offence at everything. Apparently there was a campain in America to prohibit use of the word 'Bossy' because it stopped females in employment wanting to progress higher as they didn't want to be seen under that banner.


Then, there's the story where a customer in a bar complimented the barmaid (again, in America) and she took offence because it was seen as aggressive male attention. There are numerous other stories which seem to all come down on a the side of man-hating and not so much empowerment, but becoming what they hate, in effect.


So, my question is, with things becoming more and more equal and laws coming in to play to stop sexual discrimination, is there a need for this kind of feminism?


How is this action perceived by the readers on here? A compliment? A statement of fact? The truth?, also to the op, what was the 'compliment'? When is a compliment not a compliment, and when is a 'compliment' (based on how someone looks) appropriate towards a complete stranger? ?

Edited by Andbreathe
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There is never a need for the kind of feminism in the examples in your OP. They aren't feminists, just people looking for someone to blame. However, yes I think there is still a need for 'real' feminism, the kind that tries to promote male rights as well as female ones as sadly we still have a terrible gender imbalance that stops a lot of men from spending more time with their children that they would want to and also stops woman having equal pay in the same job as men. It's 2 sides of the same coin.


I've said on another thread, if you need to push a man down to lift a woman up then that's the wrong kinda feminism.


Spot on Kate. :thumbsup:


Unfortunately the likes of the Guardian give tons of column space to the radfems as their anti male ranting generates more clickthroughs than the majority constructive feminists rational views.

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How is this action perceived by the readers on here? A compliment? A statement of fact? The truth?, also to the op, what was the 'compliment'? When is a compliment not a compliment, and when is a 'compliment' (based on how someone looks) appropriate towards a complete stranger? ?


Context needed really. If someone came up to me and said 'aye, nice tits love, wouldn't mind a bit' then clearly that's out of order. If they came up to me and said 'I think you are fit, can I buy you a drink?' then I'd go home with a massive smile on my face after declining the drink before the OH got jealous ;). Context is everything.

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