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Is There A Place For Feminism In The Modern World?

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What makes you think that a women is paid less for doing the same job as a man?


I never mentioned being paid less for doing the same job as a man. I said for doing equal work for equal wages. Obviously men and woman doing the same job should be and are paid the same. However, as many women will have discovered, it only takes a slight change to the job title to 'justify' paying them less.

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I never mentioned being paid less for doing the same job as a man. I said for doing equal work for equal wages. Obviously men and woman doing the same job should be and are paid the same. However, as many women will have discovered, it only takes a slight change to the job title to 'justify' paying them less.


Any job advertised under a different job title would be available for both male and female applicants so both men and women will be be affected equally. I am sure there will be women earning more than men for doing an equal job at a different company.

Edited by sutty27
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Any job advertised under a different job title would be available for both male and female applicants so both men and women will be be affected equally. I am sure there will be women earning more than men for doing an equal job at a different company.


So gender inequality regarding income doesn't exist?

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Any job advertised under a different job title would be available for both male and female applicants so both men and women will be be affected equally. I am sure there will be women earning more than men for doing an equal job at a different company.


That wouldn't be right either would it?


It may not happen anymore but have seen this many times, women already working in a job, given more work & responsibility, a new title but not the same as the male doing a very similar job. There are still men in positions of authority in the workplace who would choose a male over a female because of their own hidden prejudices.

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I was browsing YouTube the other night, watching music videos and top 10 lists when suggested videos about feminism and, in particular, feminist 'fails', came up. So I watched a few.


I've learned over time to take things with a pinch of salt, but some of it did seem enlightening. There seems to be a new-ish kind of feminism rising where women associated with it are basically taking offence at everything. Apparently there was a campain in America to prohibit use of the word 'Bossy' because it stopped females in employment wanting to progress higher as they didn't want to be seen under that banner.


Then, there's the story where a customer in a bar complimented the barmaid (again, in America) and she took offence because it was seen as aggressive male attention. There are numerous other stories which seem to all come down on a the side of man-hating and not so much empowerment, but becoming what they hate, in effect.


So, my question is, with things becoming more and more equal and laws coming in to play to stop sexual discrimination, is there a need for this kind of feminism?


The new brand of feminism are destroying feminism. All the hard fought fights for genuine equality were in vain. Now feminism is seen as bit of a joke.

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The new brand of feminism are destroying feminism. All the hard fought fights for genuine equality were in vain. Now feminism is seen as bit of a joke.


No it isn't, and no their not. Any idiot who thinks men hating and genuine female issues regarding gender equality are the same or are perceived as the same are likely to be woman haters or threatened by woman, and use similarity as an excuse.

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No it isn't, and no their not. Any idiot who thinks men hating and genuine female issues regarding gender equality are the same or are perceived as the same are likely to be woman haters or threatened by woman, and use similarity as an excuse.


The real feminists who are concerned with equality need to distance themselves from the new crowd then, they're doing a lot of damage to the cause... problem is feminists won't criticise other women no matter how stupid they are..

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That wouldn't be right either would it?


It may not happen anymore but have seen this many times, women already working in a job, given more work & responsibility, a new title but not the same as the male doing a very similar job. There are still men in positions of authority in the workplace who would choose a male over a female because of their own hidden prejudices.


There are also women in positions of authority in the workplace who would choose a female over a male because of their own hidden prejudices.


---------- Post added 13-02-2016 at 19:41 ----------


So gender inequality regarding income doesn't exist?


I have no doubt that some women get paid more than some man doing an equal job and I have no doubt that some men get paid more than some women doing an equal job.

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I have no doubt that some women get paid more than some man doing an equal job and I have no doubt that some men get paid more than some women doing an equal job.


If it happens more one way than the other then there's an underlying structural difference.

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If it happens more one way than the other then there's an underlying structural difference.


The question though is does it happen more one way than the other.


The methodology used to calculate the pay gap only compares the average hourly pay of women and men, they don't compare the differences in rates of pay for comparable jobs. The figures actuality shows the women in their 20's and 30's have an higher average wage than men, but then show that men over 40 have an higher average wage than women.

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