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Is There A Place For Feminism In The Modern World?

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No it isn't, and no their not. Any idiot who thinks men hating and genuine female issues regarding gender equality are the same or are perceived as the same are likely to be woman haters or threatened by woman, and use similarity as an excuse.


The poster you're replying to has form for this sort of thing.

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Men but they are significantly less likely to report it.


Oh my lord. My summary in another seems appropriate to put here too:


About had enough of this forum. I have had some great arguments with very different posters on here over the years and while we often disagree, occasionally quite spectacularly, we've always managed to at least hold a debate and learn something. This new wave of posters just post drivel with no background, no attempt to explain their position and when asked to do so immediately get aggressive and defensive. Most people on here want to learn about other peoples opinions and want to learn off people with experience in other areas, most people are not just having a go at others and will listen to you if you give them reason to do so.

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Thank you for the links. I shall take a look at them, in particular the Guardian one as I respect their generally good journalism.


Sexism is more than just harassment though, but I do feel that men are often overlooked terribly by both the media, charities and the general public when suffering abuse. However, I do feel that often men themselves are to blame by creating a culture that if a man is being beaten up by his wife then he's a failure or pathetic, when that couldn't be further from the truth in most cases. Any man who resists resorting to physical violence on a woman when she's attacking him deserves considerable respect.

Edited by sgtkate
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