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Is There A Place For Feminism In The Modern World?

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You really think the average Muslim or Roma guy is more sexist than the average white Brit?

Where's the Muslim porn industry then?


There's not going to much of a market for certain Moslem women doing porn now is there. Be on about the same demand as pregnancy porn.

Unless all the pretty ones are hidden beneath the sack thingy they wear.

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There's not going to much of a market for certain Moslem women doing porn now is there. Be on about the same demand as pregnancy porn.

Unless all the pretty ones are hidden beneath the sack thingy they wear.


Sexism and religious intolerance all in one. Remarkable.


So, Ron, how exactly does someones faith impact on their physical appearance?

Or is it the case that you find brown skinned women unnappealing?

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I was browsing YouTube the other night, watching music videos and top 10 lists when suggested videos about feminism and, in particular, feminist 'fails', came up. So I watched a few.


I've learned over time to take things with a pinch of salt, but some of it did seem enlightening. There seems to be a new-ish kind of feminism rising where women associated with it are basically taking offence at everything. Apparently there was a campain in America to prohibit use of the word 'Bossy' because it stopped females in employment wanting to progress higher as they didn't want to be seen under that banner.


Then, there's the story where a customer in a bar complimented the barmaid (again, in America) and she took offence because it was seen as aggressive male attention. There are numerous other stories which seem to all come down on a the side of man-hating and not so much empowerment, but becoming what they hate, in effect.


So, my question is, with things becoming more and more equal and laws coming in to play to stop sexual discrimination, is there a need for this kind of feminism?


Strawman or what?

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You really think the average Muslim or Roma guy is more sexist than the average white Brit?

Where's the Muslim porn industry then?


In the porn industry women are the highest paid; as if that would happen in Islam!


Also Muslim men wouldn't allow their Muslim women to be viewed by others.

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Sexism and religious intolerance all in one. Remarkable.


So, Ron, how exactly does someones faith impact on their physical appearance?

Or is it the case that you find brown skinned women unnappealing?


You appear to oppose sexism and intolerance both of which are rife within religion, but you also appear to be intolerant of anyone that opposes the sexism and intolerance within religion. Why is that?


By supporting religion you support the sexism and intolerance within them.

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Apologies for the delay in replying... real life happening and all that.


The compliment to the barmaid was just 'you're pretty'. Nothing more. And it's easy for people to say that there is no place for compliments whilst someone is working, but it tends to have an impact, often, on how much someone is tipped or whether the barstaff have a drink bought them by the punter.


Some of the 'anti-feminism' videos I've seen have been made by women too, so I'm aware that it is only an extreme group. But that was sort of my point - if women have an equal platform on which to argue against the people who are supposedly standing up for them, doesn't that show that the 'need' for feminism is dwindling. A bit like religion, in a way. It was needed at some point in the past for a reason, but changes and progress have been made, so do we still need it in the modern day?


Also, as was touched on, a lot of these 'western' feminists only seem to concentrate on the western issues like pay inequality, not the horrendous laws that they live under in some Asian countries, for example.


I apologies to those who think I was just trying to cause a stir - that wasn't my intention. It was a genuine thought on my part, and something that I felt quite strongly about after what I'd seen.

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Does the man not have a say in how to raise a family?


I've never been with a women who didn't demand total respect. I've barely been with a woman who can cook for Chris sakes....women have equality in my experience.


Your experience is probably not representative of the entire country though.


---------- Post added 11-02-2016 at 09:13 ----------


thats just the kind of abuse / emotional response I would expect from an entitled Western woman.


---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 17:57 ----------



Overweight, not attractive, aggressive, entitled, whiny, irrational, confrontational


And you think you're not part of the problem!


---------- Post added 11-02-2016 at 09:17 ----------


Thats because youre a mangina to be fair.


What are you going to come out with next, "white knights"? :roll:


---------- Post added 11-02-2016 at 09:20 ----------


Apologies for the delay in replying... real life happening and all that.


The compliment to the barmaid was just 'you're pretty'. Nothing more. And it's easy for people to say that there is no place for compliments whilst someone is working, but it tends to have an impact, often, on how much someone is tipped or whether the barstaff have a drink bought them by the punter.

Try saying that to the next bloke that serves you in the pub and see if it's acceptable...


Some of the 'anti-feminism' videos I've seen have been made by women too, so I'm aware that it is only an extreme group. But that was sort of my point - if women have an equal platform on which to argue against the people who are supposedly standing up for them, doesn't that show that the 'need' for feminism is dwindling.

So because women can use youtube, feminism has achieved its aim? Is that what you mean?

Also, as was touched on, a lot of these 'western' feminists only seem to concentrate on the western issues like pay inequality, not the horrendous laws that they live under in some Asian countries, for example.

Hardly surprising is it. They can't change something in another country, they struggle to get anything changed in their own country.

Why did you believe what you saw in this video? You don't think that perhaps it was all made up with the purpose of making people angry perhaps?

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You really think the average Muslim or Roma guy is more sexist than the average white Brit?

Where's the Muslim porn industry then?


Roma and Muslim men on the whole hold women in less regard than Western men do. That is not to say western men are perfect. Far from it.

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Try saying that to the next bloke that serves you in the pub and see if it's acceptable...

So because women can use youtube, feminism has achieved its aim? Is that what you mean?

Hardly surprising is it. They can't change something in another country, they struggle to get anything changed in their own country.

Why did you believe what you saw in this video? You don't think that perhaps it was all made up with the purpose of making people angry perhaps?


As we appear to established, 'offence' is dependent on the person. If someone, male or female, complimented me whilst I was at work I wouldn't take offence. I'm happy to receive compliments whenever... I wish I had more! Some people don't like to receive compliments, but my issue was more with the scale of the offence taken. As in many of the stories and videos I've seen, the argument offered is that feminists often take offence when being complimented because they don't find the person physically attractive. If it was Channing Tatum complimenting them then maybe they would respond differently, is the issue.


I never said using YouTube meant that feminism had achieved it's goal - I just meant that if women were arguing against this extreme form of feminism as they could see it for what it is, and just happened to be using social media to do so, doesn't that offer some evidence that feminism is dwindling? Just my thought...


And in my very first post, I said I take things that I see online with a pinch of salt. That's why I asked the question to get an idea from a number of sides. I'm aware that both sets of information could be propaganda for respective arguments.

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