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Is There A Place For Feminism In The Modern World?

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As we appear to established, 'offence' is dependent on the person. If someone, male or female, complimented me whilst I was at work I wouldn't take offence. I'm happy to receive compliments whenever... I wish I had more! Some people don't like to receive compliments, but my issue was more with the scale of the offence taken. As in many of the stories and videos I've seen, the argument offered is that feminists often take offence when being complimented because they don't find the person physically attractive. If it was Channing Tatum complimenting them then maybe they would respond differently, is the issue.


I never said using YouTube meant that feminism had achieved it's goal - I just meant that if women were arguing against this extreme form of feminism as they could see it for what it is, and just happened to be using social media to do so, doesn't that offer some evidence that feminism is dwindling? Just my thought...


And in my very first post, I said I take things that I see online with a pinch of salt. That's why I asked the question to get an idea from a number of sides. I'm aware that both sets of information could be propaganda for respective arguments.


Perhaps it just means that most women are just as reasonable as most men, and realise that what some people push as feminism is actually extreme and radical.

I don't think that means that feminism in general is dwindling.


Personally I'd prefer to adopt a philosophy of equalism, which is all that non-extreme feminists want anyway.


I thought by equal platform you were referring to the ability of both sexes to access youtube, I guess I misunderstood.

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thats just the kind of abuse / emotional response I would expect from an entitled Western woman.


---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 17:57 ----------



Overweight, not attractive, aggressive, entitled, whiny, irrational, confrontational


Haha what do you base this on??


And what do you mean you've slept with over a hundred women?! I bet your riddled.....

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You really think the average Muslim or Roma guy is more sexist than the average white Brit?

Where's the Muslim porn industry then?

I'm beginning to wonder if you really know any muslim or roma men at all, tbh. If you truly think any of what you said is true, I really doubt it.


There's more need for basic feminism in the modern western world than there has been since the 60s.

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I'm beginning to wonder if you really know any muslim or roma men at all, tbh. If you truly think any of what you said is true, I really doubt it.


There's more need for basic feminism in the modern western world than there has been since the 60s.


Don't worry, he won't reply. The most vocal supporters of other cultures suddenly go quiet when they have to give their opinions on these cultures viewpoints on equality (along with homosexuality and religious freedom).

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I'm beginning to wonder if you really know any muslim or roma men at all, tbh. If you truly think any of what you said is true, I really doubt it.


There's more need for basic feminism in the modern western world than there has been since the 60s.


Spot on. The progress we have made is more under threat than ever. And if men of action will not stand with our women of action to defend that progress it will be ****** down the drain by spineless surrenders to mysoginistic invaders.

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Don't worry, he won't reply. The most vocal supporters of other cultures suddenly go quiet when they have to give their opinions on these cultures viewpoints on equality (along with homosexuality and religious freedom).


Wrong. I know plenty of Roma and Muslim men.

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Wrong. I know plenty of Roma and Muslim men.


Do you know as many Muslim and Roma women, or are they usually otherwise occupied doing womanly things approved by the men you know? Sitting at the back? Looking after the children? Covering themselves up? Generally doing what they are told?

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